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Removed From Play: Episode 23 – Asphyxious2

2 Minute Read
May 10 2016


Welcome to Removed from Play’s Warmachine and Hordes Podcast. In this episode we are covering Asphyxious2,

This show’s list:

Lich Lord Asphyxious – WJ: +6
– Deathripper – PC: 4
– Helldiver – PC: 3
Bane Lord Tartarus – PC: 4
Bane Knights – Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
Bane Thralls – Leader & 9 Grunts: 8
– Bane Thrall Officer & Standard – Bane Thrall Officer & Standard 3
Satyxis Blood Witches – Leader & 9 Grunts: 6
– Satyxis Blood Hag – Satyxis Blood Hag 2
Satyxis Raiders – Leader & 9 Grunts: 8
– Satyxis Raider Sea Witch – Satyxis Raider Sea Witch 2
Bile Thralls – Leader & 5 Grunts: 5
– Skarlock Commander – PC: 1

Focus: Emanuel Class (Bloodrath)

Host: Sam Ross (Susan)

Co-Host: Jacob Frelinger (Dr. Jake)
Co-Host: Charles Arrasmith (Omnus)

If you would like to hear more of the podcasts hosted by HCO, you can find us right here:

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Hand Cannon Online

We also have a premium podcast brought to by the same hosts of Removed From Play. Our subscription podcast is 40 episodes a year of discussion covering the full range of Warmachine topics: $20 for the RFP: Prime Subscription


If you would like to get some RFP Swag, you should check out: Hand Cannon Swag

Thanks for listening, leave your thoughts in the comments.

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