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HOBBY: The Bigboss’ Week of Blogging #131

2 Minute Read
May 13 2017

My three current and dare I say very diverse projects!

Hi! Tommy from the blog BigbossRedSkullz. I’m also on Facebook and on Instagram.

The Good

After harping so much about BB these last months it is great to finally buildĀ another team! These are 2nd ed BB dwarfs with a sprinkle of plastics on top.

Very pleased with the colours for the team. More here.

The Bad


Felt the need to repaint the test figure for my ratskins. Still not happy with the base but the skin and contrasts on the miniature are good now.

More here.

The Ugly

The Nurgle models for my WHQ set has been a blast to work on! This one had a silly maw on his billy that I filled with greenstuff.


More here.

That’s it for this week. Make sure to check out my blog as I update several times a week!

I’ve started to assembly paint my BB dwarfs so expect more on them next week!

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