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40K: Fate of Konor Final Days Approach

3 Minute Read
Sep 7 2017
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The Final Days of the Fate of Konor Campaign are coming – It’s your last chance to make an impact on the story line of the Grim Dark!

For the past 6 weeks, the forces of the Imperium and Chaos have been slugging it out in the Konor System. Not to be confused with the Plague Wars mentioned in the BRB, this is a battle who’s fate is not yet written. It’s a battle that YOU can still make an impact in, but time grows short. With just over 3 days left in the campaign the clock is ticking. Let’s take a quick look at the status of the fight:

via Fate of Konor Website

Overall Planet Status: Imperial Control

Right now the Imperium has a solid lead. But don’t get too full of yourself Imperial generals. Chaos has been coming from behind all campaign, they ended week 3 on the road to a 3-0 shut out but have managed to turn it around to bring it to a 3-2 series. Will the Imperium pull a Golden State and blow a massive lead? The race isn’t over yet…

Region Status Trifectum Putris (UK): Imperial Control


The Trifectum Putris claims to be nigh impregnable. But the Imperium is showing that no fortress is safe from the Wrath of the Imperium! The folks in the UK Row are having a huge impact with that big of a rout on the Chaos Forces. Can the Chaos Commanders stop this Imperial Tide or will the Glory of the Emperor shine through in the UK? 3 days to find out…

Region Status Circle of Mehnauris (EU): Imperial Control

The battle over the Circle of Mehnauris is a much tighter fight comparatively. The Imperium still has a victory margin, but that gap is much easier to overcome. We’ve seen regions flip-flop before and this could be the case if the EU Chaos Players can get some more momentum going into the final stretch.

Region Status Decay of Hope (NA): ???


The Decay of Hope region represents the giant planetary engines that are hurtling this rock through space. Right now who actually controls this region is up in the air! It looks split right down the middle and that could have devastating effects. If Chaos is looking to really make an impact this week pushing this region over the top is going to be a massive win for them. With only 3 days remaining it’s now a question of who’s going to finish stronger.

There have been over 135k battles reported in just 6 short weeks. That’s quite a number! If you’d like to contribute your battles be sure you check the Fate of Konor website and get in touch with a participating store. You can view the mission for the week HERE.


Are you throwing your forces into the fight? How is the battle looking on your front? Let us know in the comments below!


Author: Adam Harrison
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