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BoLS STREAMING NOW: 40k “Bloody Beasts”, Boardgame Bonanza

4 Minute Read
Sep 5 2017
Warhammer 40K

Come play with the BoLS crew! – today on Dark Apocrypha, The Blood Angels face the Hive Fleets, and come play Whim on Boardgame Bonanza.

This week on Dark Apocrypha…

Bloody Beasts

Blood & Gears – Part 2: Bloody Beasts (watch LIVE NOW)

Captain Ollivander and his 3rd Company HAS THE MAP! With the ancient relic in hand on the Death World of Karath VI, the Blood Angels head out into the deep desert of the Death World in a quest for the long lost artifact. X marks the spot and the dig begins under a twin sun. However, the sand is the least of Ollivander’s worries as the Death World’s horrific fauna strike back against foreign invaders.

Army Lists

Blood Angels

Captain w/ Jump Pack -6 -Captain Ollivander

Librarian- 6

10 x Tactical Squad – 9
10 x Tactical Squad – 9
10 x Tactical Squad – 9


5x sanguinary guard-10

Rhino- 4
Rhino- 4
Rhino- 4

10x devastator squad -11

BAAL Predator – 8

6/6 CP

81 Power Level 



HQ – Swarmlord – 15

HQ – Terivgon – 13

Troops – Genestealers w/toxin sacs – 12

Troops – Termagants – 6

Troops – Termagants – 6


Elites – Venomthrope – 4

Elites – Hive Guard – 7

Heavy – Trygon Prime – 10

Transport – Tyrannocyte – 7

6/6 CP 
80 Power Level 

Blood & Gears – Part 1: Blood & Gears… (watch the game)

Captain Ollivander and his 3rd Company have been dispatched on a vital mission to recover an ancient relic on the Death World of Karath VI.  Upon landing on the deadly planet the Blood Angels find that they are not alone! Neferkara the Opulent of the Nihilakh Dynasty has decided that she will claim the relic for her own collection. Now the two forces engage in a bitter struggle to see who will claim the treasures of Karath VI.


Army Lists

Blood Angels

Captain w/ Jump Pack – 6  (Captain Ollivander)

Chaplain w/ Jump Pack – 6

Brother Corbulo- 5

Company Ancient – 4

10 x Tactical Squad – 9

10 x Tactical Squad – 9


10 x Tactical Squad – 9

Rhino- 4

Rhino- 4

Rhino- 4

10 x Death Company  w/ jump packs- 20

Baal Predator – 8

6/6 CP
88 Power Level 

Catacomb Command Barge ( Neferkara the Opulent) – 10

Cryptek (Infretck the Tinker) – 6

20x Necron Warriors – 12

10x Immortals – 8

10 x Necron Warriors – 6

Ghost Ark -8

Ghost Ark -8

9x Canoptek Scarabs 6

9x Canoptek Scarabs 6

1x Canoptek Spyder- 4

1x Canoptek Spyder- 4

Triarch Stalker – 8

6/6 CP <
86 Power Level 


“Boardgame Bonanza”

After the 40K game, join us for our boardgame show “Boardgame Bonanza”. Our intrepid boardgame team will be playing whatever we pick for them in tomorrow’s poll. Stay tuned – it’s a hilarious, fun-filled blast!  We will be sure to get in a game of WHIM from Funnybone Games.

BoLS Twitch Schedule

Come join us 7 days a week for all the games we can jam in. Here’s the NEW schedule:


Everything’s fully painted and we have an insane amount of giant armies… for tons of your favorite games just waiting for you to enjoy. We’ll be playing competitive games, casual games, crazy narrative games and everything in between. Then look forward to everything from lore to tactics to tabletop, RPGs and more.

Follow Us Today

We invite you to come over today, follow our channel and enjoy the fun!

Author: Larry Vela
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