HOBBY: The Bigboss’ Week of Blogging #144

This week is full of weird beasts for Nurgle and Genestealer cult!
Hi! Tommy from the blog BigbossRedSkullz. I’m also on Facebook, Instagram and on Pinterest!
First something I thought would fit well in the Gardens of nurgle.
More here.
On the heels of that beast I made another one for the Gardens.
More on the mosquito man here.
Wrapping up Nurgle with this one for the Dreadtober event.
Lots of work left..! More here.
Final post of the week, purestrain for my Genestealer cult.
I’ve dubbed him the Screaming Killer. More here.
That’s it for this week. Make sure to check out my blog as I update several times a week!
Even more WiPs the go so stay tuned for much more!