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Unboxing: Guns For Hire Unboxing

3 Minute Read
Oct 26 2017
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Scum & Villainy are getting a pair of aces to call their own with the Guns for Hire expansion!

Two ships that don’t get a ton of love on the competative scene are going to turn some heads. These two ugly ducks just went full-on swan mode with the Guns for Hire Expansion:

The Vaksai & StarViper Mk II

The Vaksai title makes the Kihraxz Fighter the most “customizable” ship in the game with the option to take up to 3 modification slots. If you’ve ever wanted to soup-up a clunker and turn it into a hot rod, you can do that with the new non-unique title card:

Personally I’m really looking forward to see what whacky combinations the community can come up with this one. Maybe you take a pair of Black Sun Aces and just make them 2 Fast 2 Furious. Oh and don’t forget the discount you get for buying your Mods in bulk!

The StarViper Mk II is interesting because it allows you to pair it with the other title card as well. The big thing here is that it reduces the cost by 3 points and changes your Barrel Roll action to use a bank vs a straight. Not too shabby as you’ll get some extra movement out of the Barrel Roll action now.


Also included are two new unique pilots and two “generic” pilots for each ship as well as some of the new cards like Harpoon Missile. We cover all the cards in more detail in the video above. For now, I’m going to work on my own Kihraxz Attack Dog list. I really want to take Talonbane out for a spin with his new ride.

I’m not old or new, but middle school.

The Guns for Hire Expansion is out now – so get out there and pick up your copy!



Guns for Hire Expansion Pack $29.95

The Scum and Villainy aces expansion for X-Wing™, Guns for Hire adds tremendous versatility to the faction’s Kihraxz fighters and StarVipers. Both are represented by miniatures with eye-catching alternative paint schemes, and you’ll find a handful of ambitious new pilots eager to fly them, as well as two new Titles and other upgrades with which you can get them combat-ready. Altogether, the expansion comes with two starfighter miniatures, eight ship cards, twelve upgrades, and four condition cards, plus all the maneuver dials, bases, and tokens you need to send your hired guns to battle!


I heard you like Upgrades…

Author: Adam Harrison
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