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40K Short Form Bat Rep: Blood Angels Vs Chaos

2 Minute Read
Mar 24 2018
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The Blood Angels face off against the Murderous forces of Chaos in our latest short form battle report!


Blood Angels

Captain Olivander – 140
Lt w. power sword w/Jump pack -82
5x Tactical Squad- 65
5x Tactical Squad- 65
5x Tactical Squad- 65
Brother Corbulo- 94
Lemartes – 129
5x Tactical Squad- 65
5x Tactical Squad- 65
5x Tactical Squad- 65
Rhino w/ 2x storm bolter – 74
Rhino w/ 2x storm bolter – 74
Rhino w/ 2x storm bolter – 74
Company Ancient – 63- (will be taking the Standard of Sacrifice)
15x Death Company with jump packs w/ 15x Hand Flamer, 4x Chainswords, 2x Power Fists, 9x Power swords- 379
1,499 pts 9/9 CPs


Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage  – 340 pts

10x Cultists- 40

Lord Abraxais – 140


Lord Scorpius – 140

10x Cultists -40

10x Noise Marines w/ 9x Sonic Blaster, 1x Doom Siren, 1x Blastmaster – 228

10x Noise Marines w/ 9x Sonic Blaster, 1x Doom Siren, 1x Blastmaster – 228

5x Spawn -165

5x Spawn -165

1,486 pts 6/6 CP 


Will the Blood Angels fall to the forces of Chaos or will the Sons of Sanguinius put down the Bloodthirster’s warband? Watch to find out!

Author: Adam Harrison
  • 40K: Adepticon Top 16 Armies Breakdown

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