40K: The Curious Case of the Missing Armiger Bits

The new Armiger Warglaive kit is missing some bits that open up deeper questions about its future.
The Armiger Warglaive is a fantastic kit – essentially a baby knight. You get two of them in the new Forgebane boxed set. Each has 4 sprues.
Examining the Armiger Sprues
These 3 sprues images below have been cleaned up by GW – but they all originally are a single large sprue that gets snapped into the 3 seperate ones at the factory. As you can see these three sprues form the main model.
Torso (Note faceplate parts 20, 21)
Torso sprue closeup (obverse – faceplate parts 20, 21)
Upper carapace
The 4th sprue is shown below and we need to point out three things:
Weapon sprue
- Thie sprue is a standone with no snap-off nubs connecting it to any other sprues.
- This Sprue is marked “B” on the lower left. There is no Armiger sprue included that is marked “A”
- Look carefully at the two faceplates (parts 8 & 9)
The Plot Thickens
Now let’s look at the instructions of the Armiger from the Forgebane kit:
That’s pretty interesting isn’t it?
Faceplates 20 and 21 are the standard ones included in the chassis sprue – look above for the closeup image.
Faceplates 8 and 9 from the “B” weapons sprues are not included in the instructions.
Faceplates 10 and 11 from the instructions are not included on the 4 sprues in the kit.
What Does it Mean?
Based on all the above clues – this strongly implies that there is a 5th “Sprue A” coming in the future. Who know’s what’s on it, but clearly 2 faceplates are. The logical choice would be for it to include additional Armiger weapon options.
~I think the Armiger has a solid future ahead of it with lots more options when Codex Imperial Knights arrives.