Mynock Squadron: Dirty Squads

X-Wing Pilots: all wings report in! We are desperately trying to keep you up to date on Regional results!
Welcome to the Mynock Podcast CX
Regional champion Jaren Foss joins us from Australia where he aids us in our coverage of the major Regionals and System Opens. Are these squads worth a second look during your Worlds preparation? Absolutely! If you aren’t planning on attending Worlds, this episode contains a multitude of potential squads you can use to thrash your opponents at your next kit tournament!
[00:00:00] Intros
[00:14:00] Brandenburg/Germany
[00:24:00] Norfolk/United Kingdom
[00:29:00] Seattle/Washington/US
[00:45:00] Covington/Louisiana/US (checkout the Birmingham Barons for more)
[00:50:00] Legnano/Lombardia/Italy
[00:56:00] Krakow/Malopolskie/Poland
[01:20:00] Plougastel-Daoulas/Bretagne/France
[01:30:00] Omaha/Nebraska/US
[01:40:00] Green Bay/Wisconsin/US
[01:47:00] Sevilla/Andalucia/Spain
[01:52:00] South Australia Regional
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Ryan Farmer
Jaren Foss
Dallas Parker
Dee Yun
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Fly Better! And hit us with your comments below.