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Geekery: New ‘Luke Cage’ Trailer Isn’t Pulling Punches

2 Minute Read
May 8 2018


The first trailer for season two has dropped, and it has all of the action, and attitude season one was lacking. Can this new energy and story redeem the hero for hire’s sluggish first season?

We’re definitely getting a less hesitant Cage this season – he’s not hiding anymore, and is taking his role as protector of Harlem seriously. But he has a new, dangerous foe to deal with. Mustafa Shakir dominates this trailer as Bushmaster aka John McIver – the character first made an appearance in Iron Fist in the mid-1970s. Take a look…

First: RIP Reg E. Cathey

By the looks of it, the complaints of season one’s slow pace have been heard – at least enough to make a trailer packed with explosions and a bunch of fistfights. We’ll have to wait and see if that pans out for the series. The ingredients are there. It has another great ensemble cast, a formidable actor that can really carry being a villain, and a pitch-perfect soundtrack. Cheo Hodari Coker is still at the helm as showrunner and primary writer.

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles about the Netflix Marvel series: you can’t just rely on the power of the franchise. You have to tell a good story. I hope that’s what we’re going to see with this new season.

Also, I’m curious to see how they handle the events in Infinity War within the Defenders universe.

All 13 episodes of Luke Cage drop on Netflix June 22nd.

Author: Mars Garrett
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