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GW: Warhammer Citadel Will Stock Forge World

2 Minute Read
May 9 2018

North American Fans of Forge World, rejoice! We will finally be able to score that sweet, sweet Forge World resin from a store in the US. The Warhammer Citadel will carry a stock of Forge World products and you can pick-up orders there, too.

Grapevine, Texas is quickly climbing the ranks of places I’d like to go for vacation. That’s entirely due to The Warhammer Citadel opening in less than a month. Not only will you be able to visit “the only shop of its kind” it’s also going to be “the only location in North America that will have a permanent stock of Forge World miniatures available to buy.”

via Warhammer Community

” …on the run up to the store’s Grand Opening on the 9th and 10th of June, we’re running a special promotion where you can order any Forge World item at all from our website, titanic or tiny, and have it shipped to the store for free, to pick up at the Grand Opening weekend.

Place your order before the 14th of May to have your order shipped in time.”

After the opening weekend festivities, Warhammer Citadel will also contain a “select range” of Forge World items year-round!

I’ve got some more questions about this, the primary one being will I still have to pay in £ or will the prices be in US Dollars. That alone could make the trip worth doing – not dealing with exchange rates and shipping is kind of nice. Regardless, if you’re in driving distance you’ll also have the ability to just drive and pick-up the items you want. This could be a new renaissance for Forge World usage in the US.

For us here at BoLS, it’s only a day trip to get to the Dallas area – we could leave in the morning, have a day of hanging out gaming, and then be back that night. Now I’ll have to start perusing the Forge World site and figure out resin what I need to get my hands on…


Why is my wallet suddenly leaking tears…OF JOY!


Author: Adam Harrison
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