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40K BREAKING: Warhammer Fest – New Ad-Mech Minis Spotted!

2 Minute Read
May 9 2019
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A brand-new set of Ad-Mech Armigers have been spotted along with the rest of the new Ad-Mech minis confirmed to be available at Warhammer Fest this weekend.

Hot of the Internet–a new batch of robotness from GW, who previewed some of what we’ll be seeing at Warhammer Fest this weekend. Including a few old favorites that we’ve been waiting to see out in the wild, and two new Armigers.

Also robotness stands for robotic hotness. In case you were wondering. You probably weren’t wondering though, you’re clever enough to figure it out, and also incredibly attractive (I know because you’re reading this article) but sometimes it’s nice to know–anyway, without further ado, we’ve got some sweet reveals: two new Armiger variants, and confirmation that the Knight Acastum Asterius and Ordinatus Actaeus will be up for grabs this weekend. Be still my digital-cardioxulator.

Adeptus Mechanicus

First up, the biggest of the bunch. Here’s the new Mechanicus Knight, the Knight Acastum Asterius painted up in all its glory. This big bot is built off the Porphyrion Chassis, this variant looks retrotastic, with its 50’s sci-fi laser arms and a new Armiger for scale.

Speaking of armigers, here’s a bigger picture of the one you see there. Check out that sweet power claw. But why stick to one variant when you can have at least two:



These models look amazing. You can rest assured their new guns will be out in the wild soon enough, so be on the lookout for those–but in the meatime, it wouldn’t be an Ad-Mech reveal if we didn’t dredge up the Ordinatus Actaeus. This is the new Lord of War Tunneler Transport we’ve seen kicking around, and it’s confirmed that it’s available at this year’s Warhammer Fest. Which is an answer to how the Ad-Mech will respond to those repeated requests for transport.

Looks like it’s going to be a big weekend–let us know what you think of the new minis in the comments!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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