Critical Role’s Animated D&D Series Picked Up by Amazon Prime

Critical Role’s upcoming aninated adventures have found a home–Amazon Prime Video has secured streaming rights for two seasons.
When Critical Role launched their Legends of Vox Machina Kickstarter earlier this year, they broke new ground, becoming the platform’s most funded tv or film related project to date. With an initial ask of $750,000 the project raised 11.39 million from a total of 88,887 fans, which was enough to create a full season–10 episodes of animated adventures from the campaign that started it all.
Now, according to Variety, Amazon Prime Video has secured exclusive streaming rights for the series, as well as ordering 14 additional episodes, for a total of 24 spread out across two seasons of the show. This is a surprising turn of events, considering the whole reason behind the Kickstarter was because the creators couldn’t get traction for their animated series going the traditional pitch route. Success and demonstrable interest do wonders for the attractiveness of a show, though, and now it’s not only going top have two seasons, but Amazon has also worked out a first-look deal with Critical Role to develop new series for Prime Video.
It helps that Critical Rile has been using the Amazon-owned Twitch to build a loyal, dedicated fanbase over the last five years. In a message to backers today, Critical Role announced that they would be competing the Briarwoods Arc and start pushing into other classic storylines.
What’s more, Amazon is throwing their support behind the show, allowing us to improve on the quality of the animation, the score, the special effects – you name it. And with 24 episodes to play with, instead of just 10, we’ll not only complete the entire Briarwood storyline in the animated series, but we’ll forge ahead into other classic Vox Machina story arcs as well!
The deal, which was brokered in part through CSA, the agency that represents Critical Role, has brought on more talent to help produce the show. The original cast will also be stepping into executive producer roles alongside alongside Brandon Auman (“Star Wars: Resistance” and “TMNT”) and Chris Prynoski (“Metalocalypse” and “The Venture Brothers”), with Sung Jin Ahn (“Niko and the Sword of Light”) joining as supervising director.
Things are looking good for Vox Machina.
Excited to see the show? What else would you want to see developed? Let us know in the comments!