Warhammer 40K: Don’t Give it Away Turn 1 – FTN

We did it! Through some help of friends and some hard work I got the army list ready to take to some upcoming tournaments. We discuss a test game the perils of 40K Turn one, the virtues of controlling your own fate and then we ooh and ahh over the new Sisters models.
Hi guys,
Sorry for the late post but having to travel to the tournament over the weekend kept me from getting the show out on time.
The list is fully painted, fits in a travel bag and is ready to go! We got there. It was stressful but fun. Now I can take my time with the details over the next few weeks but the hard part is done. It’s been a fun adventure over the last few weeks.
Please please please check out the new Forge The Narrative objective markers. These things look awesome. Ordering a set is a good way to support one of our sponsors AND the show. Find them here.
The show notes have suffered the last few episodes but I promise to change that next week as life returns to somewhat normal.
I break out the micron .005 pen this week. It’s time to do panel lines! Seriously, you just draw them in.
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Paul Murphy – Host
Justin Troop – troopsmash
Christopher Morgan – captain morgan
Ricky Addington
Mike Brandt
Val Hefflefinger