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Goatboy’s 40K – Making Ghaz Work

4 Minute Read
Apr 2 2020
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Goatboy here again with a true Ork Horde list all about throwing a ton of boyz, surrounding Ghazghul, and seeing if it can WAAAGH to victory.

Now of course my thoughts are using a ton of Shoota boyz as you can just advance, throw out a bunch of dice, and see what sticks.  They can charge and while they don’t have as many attacks you can just try to use your sheer weight of dice to win things over.  Hopefully forcing your opponent to fail some armor saves.  The other fun thing is the new KFF Mek now gives a save in Close Combat.  So that’s a real interesting thing in this massed list of nonsense.  With that – let’s begin.

Ghaz’z Boots are Made For Walking

We need to take Ghaz and his buddy – so that is a locked in set of points.

  • Ghazghul – 285pts
  • Makari – 65pts (man that is just too much ugh)

That leaves us 1650 in points and a lot of things to purchase.  After this I think we need 3 KFF Meks to help keep some boys safe, then a SAG Mek to shoot stuff from far away, a Weird Boy to cast some spells and finally a Painboy to help heal Ghaz with that lovely stratagem.  All and all a lot of HQ’s and other things.  Let’s see how many boyz we can get!

  • Painboy – 65pts
  • KFF Mek – 55pts
  • KFF Mek – 55pts
  • KFF Mek – 55pts
  • SAG Mek – 80pts
  • Weirdboy – 62pts
  • Warboss with PK and Kustom Shoota – 80pts

This leaves us 1198 points left (dang Weirdboy and his off point cost).

A boyz squad with 29 shootas and a Nob with big Choppa is 215pts.  This only gets us 5 units with enough points to get a Gretchin squad and maybe another Weirdboy if we want to try and get some of the other odd spells in the game.  It does give us more spell options and other fun stuff.  Let’s throw this all together and see this hot mess of nonsense.  The other Warboss gives us some fun redundancy with using the Super Klaw and other neat stuff in the game.

Orks Battalion – Goffs – +5CP


Ghazghul – 285pts
Makari – 65pts
Weirdboy – Warphead (-1CP) – 62pts

Painboy – Powerklaw – 65pts

Ork Boyz X 30 – Boss Nob w/Big Choppa & Slugga, Shootas X 29 – 215pts
Ork Boyz X 30 – Boss Nob w/Big Choppa & Slugga, Shootas X 29 – 215pts
Ork Boyz X 30 – Boss Nob w/Big Choppa & Slugga, Shootas X 29 – 215pts

Orks Battalion – Goffs +5CP
Specialist Detachment – Dread Waagh!!! (-1CP)


Big Mek with Shokk attack Gun – Warlord – Bigkilla Boss, Relic – Da Souped-Up  Shokka – 80pts
Warboss – Powerklaw, Kustom Shoota, Relic – Da Killa Klas (-1CP) – 80pts

Ork Boyz X 30 – Boss Nob w/Big Choppa & Slugga, Shootas X 29 – 215pts
Ork Boyz X 30 – Boss Nob w/Big Choppa & Slugga, Shootas X 29 – 215pts
Gretchin X 10 – 30pts

Orks Battalion – Goffs +5CP

Mek w/Kustom Force Field – 55pts
Mek w/Kustom Force Field – 55pts
Mek w/Kustom Force Field – 55pts

Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Gretchin X 10 – 30pts

PTs: 1997 CP: +15

Ghaz’ Tactics

The idea here is you have 150 Ork boyz that can advance, charge, have a 5++ save and then a 6++ FNP.  They can always throw out bullets when advancing and then you have a few big monsters that can easily Krump anything that gets near.  Your Weirdboy can jump a unit as needed and you’ve got the ability to heal Ghaz and anyone else if you feel like it.  The Super Shokk attack gun can do some nutty things with double shooting options and mortal wounds nonsense.  You’ve even got Gretchin that could take some wounds off of some of your regular boys if needed.  The fact the KFF works in close combat means the Ork boyz are going to be a pain in the butt to get rid of.  My back screams at the thought of trying to move this many models around but seeing a wave of dingy yellow with red skin boyz running around (my personal scheme) does make me chuckle inside.


Do you think it can WAAAGH its way to victory?

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