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Warhammer 40K: 5 Necron Units That Need Upgrades

3 Minute Read
May 14 2020
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The Silent King is coming and it looks like he’s got some new toys but let’s not forget their previous units.

Games Workshop dropped some hints that the Necrons might be getting some new units. That’s great! But a lot of folks were wondering if that meant that some of the current units were going to get the “Primaris” treatment with an upscaled look. We don’t know – but there are definitely some units that could use some love from the model team. Here are the units we’d like to see get an Upgrade!


They aren’t bad – the just aren’t quite as intimidating as they used to be. Especially when next to a Primaris Space Marine. It would be cool to see them get up-sized and a bit more bulked-out.


The funny thing about Necron Warriors is that they are actually tall – if you could stand them upright. Their hunched over posture make them look a lot smaller. It would be nice to see them get some bulk. But hey, they are supposed to be Space Skeletons, right? So maybe something else? A new kit with some different poses would be cool…

Flayed Ones

The Flayed Ones need help. My disdain for these models is pretty well documented. But, even though these are some of my least favorite models GW has ever made, I understand that some people do like them. That’s fine. But can we all agree they need to get a rework or some type?

Necron Destroyer Squadron


Here’s another kit that would really benefit from a re-work. Not only could GW make these models look a lot cooler, they could finally make the heavy destroyer bits part of this kit. I’ve always thought these models were good – but just think of how much cooler they could be!

The C’tan

Why is this model only available in the Obelisk kit? I get that we have other C’tan characters like the Deceiver and the Nightbringer, but some folks just want a generic C’tan shard. Why not take this concept and give us a new kit for a C’tan? That could look pretty darn cool…


What models from the Necron Range would you like to see get the Primaris Treatment and get an upgrade?


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: New Necron Unit Hints