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Warhammer 40K: New Edition Launch Box Future Plans

4 Minute Read
Jun 18 2020
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Games Workshop has a fantastic new Launch Box coming with the next edition. But it’s a limited run. So what if I want those minis later? Let’s chat.

If you haven’t seen the new miniatures in the Launch Box – which is what GW is calling the new boxed set featuring Necrons and Space Marines – then you’ve been missing out. The box is loaded with some fantastic new miniatures and sculpts and many of them are brand new units to the game, too! It’s an exciting product for sure.

What’s also mind blowing is that these are ALL push-fit miniatures. GW said it right in the preview article. Twice. ” …all these amazing new miniatures are indeed in the Indomitus box! What’s more, they’re all push fit, so you won’t even need glue to frenziedly assemble them when you get your hands on a copy!” and ” that’s 61 push-fit miniatures” – again, #MindBlown.

These Two Characters…

…are push-fit miniatures.

In some ways, it makes sense. We know GW can get some pretty sharp details out of push-fit miniatures. See all the warbands from Warhammer Underworlds. And for limited poses, push-fit miniatures make sense. But things like the Assault Intercessors and Necron Warriors are so good, you’ll be able to mix them in with the (eventual) other versions and you probably won’t be able to tell a difference.


These sprues turn in to these warriors:

But what does this have to do with the Future Plans?” Great question. This new launch box is indeed a limited run. Games Workshop has already stated that. In fact, for all we know, the only way to get ahold of these models will be from the Launch Box. Where have we seen this situation before? Well, The Shadowspear box was also a limited run and had models you could only get from that box:


Did you want another Venomcrawler? What about those Obliterators? Once it was sold out, that was that. In fact, you still can’t get those models individually. No, GW took this boxed set and carved it up into…

Two new start collecting boxed sets. Now, you might notice that some of the characters are missing (specifically the Vanguard characters). BUT we did see those get re-released as individual sprues.

The point is that while this new Launch Box is indeed a limited run and if you want those models you should probably pre-order them ASAP, we could see GW divide them up as new Start Collecting! Boxed sets. In fact, the current Necron option is no longer available – at least on the US page.

Maybe it’s just on back order? Or maybe GW pulled it because they plan on replacing the contents with something else?


The sprue pics they showed have a very clear segregation of Necrons and Space Marines. They don’t share sprues unlike the Black Reach box where you had orks on the same sprues as marines. That made it kind of hard to carve up for later redistribution. With these sprues, however, GW could pretty easily repackage and sell these as other stand alone products.

Personally I do hope GW ends up creating new Start Collecting! Boxes from these sprues if only because I’d like to get a few sets myself. It sure seems like a waste to design all those sprues and only do a single run for the Launch Box and never sell them again, doesn’t it?

What do you think? Will GW end up re-releasing these miniatures after the initial Launch Box as Start Collecting! Boxes? Or are they going to be gone forever?



Author: Adam Harrison
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