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GW Rumor Engine: Tendril of Mystery

2 Minute Read
Jan 26 2021
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There is a new Rumor Engine out and it’s a mysterious tendril. Could a new Tyranid be on the way or is this something else entirely?

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for a new Rumor Engine. This new one looks promising for various reasons. Before we get into all that, take a look for yourself:

via Warhammer Community

Before we scramble our brains thinking into it too much, we present you with the latest peek through the curtain of mystery that is the Rumour Engine.

So what was so promising? Well, as a fan of the Tyranids, this one has some pretty big nods that it just might be something from their line-up. First up, it’s organic and not a machine and that’s a pretty big sign. Next, we have the shape – it’s some sort of tendril coming off of a creature. Then we have the chintin sections that look like they form small armored sections which lead to a hardened hook section.

The hook looks similar to something like the Toxicrene. But smaller. Perhaps something closer to one of the other creatures from the Tyranid line.

Whatever this tendril is attached to it’s an all new model and if it IS a Tyranid creature I’m personally going to be really excited! We’ll have to wait and see what GW does with this one…


At this point I can’t unsee the image as anything other than Tyranids so this is where you come in. Internet Dectectives, we need your eyes on this one. What do YOU think this could be? Let us know in the comments and if you’ve got a good reason to suspect it’s something other than ‘nids, let us know!



Author: Adam Harrison
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