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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – Thousand Sons Scarab Occult & Dread Parade

3 Minute Read
Aug 19 2021
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Goatboy here with a ground-pounding Thousand Sons list that brings ALL the magic, bullets, and magic bullets!

To finish off the week let’s get a Thousand Sons army list built up.  I think the army has merit in the same sense in how you build a Death Guard list.  It is different but a lot of the same things fit into the army the directly match up in the Death Guard army.  There are some things I do like better in Thousand Sons with their much better “cheap” troop and in some movement characteristics.  9th edition is about board control and thankfully the Thousand Sons can do that.

I think the biggest improvement in the new book is the Scarab Occult Terminators. These guys got a lot of buffs and will be the building block of an army.  In fact – I think will end up seeing 20 of these guys in a lot of lists as they just do a ton of work that is needed.  Plus – it allows you to activate some Tzaangors as your troop choices to help give you some board control.  From there if you are playing Chaos you should always look at Hellforged Contemptors with Volkites. These help to answer a lot of things and give you the range to hurt people.  Throw in some Casters, another set of Rubric Marines and you basically got an army ready to go.

Thousand Sons Battalion – 0CP
Cult of Duplicity

Exalted Sorcerer – Disc of Tzeentch, Warlord – Arrogance of Aeons, Relic – Umbralefic Crystal- 125pts
Exalted Sorcerer – Disc of Tzeentch, Relic (-1PC) Perfidious Tome – 125pts
Sorcerer in Terminator Armor – 105pts
Sorcerer in Terminator Armor – 105pts

Scarab Occult Terminators X 10 – Soul Reaper Cannon X 2, Hellfyre Missile Pack X 2 – 430pts
Scarab Occult Terminators X 10 – Soul Reaper Cannon X 2, Hellfyre Missile Pack X 2 – 430pts
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought (-1CP) – Volkite X 2 – 150pts
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought (-1CP) – Volkite X 2 – 150pts


Rubrics Marines X 5 – Soulreaper Cannon – 115pts
Rubrics Marines X 5 – Soulreaper Cannon – 115pts
Tzaangors X 20 – Brayhorn – 150pts

Pts: 2000

Sorcerous Tactics

I didn’t pick the spells but you can see I will try to use the Teleportation option to throw things around, the crystal to throw another unit in the turn I need them to, and a ton of bolter action.  The two dreadnoughts will help cover things up that are needed.  This army can throw out a ton of Damage 1 wounds into units and should give some Admech blobs some nightmares as you get the damage moving.  You could drop one of the free Sorcerer’s for the Dark Apostle-like guy if you want as he isn’t terrible as well.  We could also drop one of the Rubrics to get a 10 man Tzaangor squad up and running to help give some upgrades to the different units.

But you can easily set up to do some Banners, Psychic Actions, or just have a lot of board control as you teleport things around and unleash a bit of bolter hell as needed.

All is Dust!


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