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Blood Bowl: All The Teams For Dungeon Bowl Revealed

3 Minute Read
Nov 16 2021

Get your rosters ready because Dungeon Bowl is shaking-up how you put your teams together with some truly twisted teams!

Dungeon Bowl is the game of Blood Bowl set in a dungeon crawl where mayhem ensues. It’s just as wacky as it sounds and it’s honestly quite a challenge, too. Unlike Blood Bowl, where the games take place on the pitch, the dungeons are part of the different Colleges of Magic which are kind of like Harry Potter’s Hogwarts only more elementally thematic (and a whole lot less wholesome).

Anyhow, each College of Magic also has their own team. Today, Games Workshop has shown off the team rosters and unlike regular teams in Blood Bowl, in Dungeon Bowl, the teams are mash-ups of other teams to create a college coalition team. Check these out:

via Warhammer Community

College of Fire Roster:

  • Dwarfs
  • Ogres
  • Khorne
  • Chaos Chosen

College of Shadow Roster:

  • Dark Elves
  • Skaven
  • Goblins

College of Metal Roster:

  • Orcs
  • Black Orcs
  • Khorne
  • Humans

College of Light Roster:

  • Elven Union
  • Humans
  • Imperial Nobility


College of Death Roster:

  • Necromantic Horror
  • Shambling Undead

College of Life Roster:

  • Wood Elves
  • Halflings
  • Snotlings
  • Nurgle

College of Beast Roster:

  • Chaos Chosen
  • Skaven
  • Lizardmen
  • Khorne
  • Necromantic Horror

College of Heavens Roster:

  • Lizardmen
  • Humans
  • Imperial Nobility

Games Workshop was kind enough to put down some power rankings for their various stats to give folks a rough idea of how those teams play. But don’t let the numbers fool you – some of those teams are hidden gems! The College of Life stands out as a really weird mix of durability and speed. Forget the Halflings (sorry guys), imagine a Treeman backed up by the stupidly tough Nurgle team and flanked by speed Wood Elves. Yeah…that’s gonna be a tough team to beat!

Or what about the College of Beasts? As lore-breaking as it is to see Lizardmen alongside all those forces of Chaos, that’s a huge pool of players to choose from. And get some Necromantic Horror support, too.

The Lizardmen are already a tough team…add in some Chaos support and it’s about to get even wonkier!

One team I’m less impressed with (roster-wise) is the College of Death. While I really do appreciate how thematic the College’s Roster is, it’s really just “more of the same” with both the Necromantic Horror and Shambling Undead. Again, super thematic, but couldn’t you have added one other team to the mix just to keep it interesting? Maybe Humans? I dunno. Will it be a bad team? No, not at all! It’s just all the undead in one pot.

In any case, Dungeon Bowl is coming soon. Get your teams together and get ready to race to find the ball — and get out with your head!


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Blood Bowl: Lizardmen Get A New Kroxigor Model