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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: New Year, New Eldar, Hopefully New 2 Wound CSMs

5 Minute Read
Dec 27 2021

Goatboy here and what a nice little reveal we got on a Xmas day! Let’s talk new Eldar & CSMs!

I hope it means 2 new books coming very quickly but will have to wait and see.  I have heard conflicting rumors of when CSM is supposed to come out but – even though my heart runs mean I do have faith that maybe – just maybe will get 2 Wounds soon.  If we don’t – well I guess I will just have to continue being disappointed.  It isn’t too bad though – so with that – let’s talk about what I am thankful for this last year.

Goodbye 2021

First of all – events are back.  There was a lot of enjoyment I was missing while I was locked away and events brought a nice spark to year.  I went to a few of them, had a good time, and even mostly won.  Hell I even got to play in one GW one and help in another.  If you would have told me before this whole pandemic I would play in another GW event I would have laughed at you.  Thankfully Brandt and crew put on a show and I got to see a ton of friends.  With that I am truly thankful and my extroverted mind shouted with glee.

The friendly North American Goatboy in its natural habitat.

From there I am thankful for this hobby as well.  I painted a lot of stuff this past year and will continue to paint more.  The sheer amount of enjoyment I get from nicking myself with a hobby knight, gluing my fingers together, and somehow dropping the smallest piece on a carpeted floor keeps me going thru these times.  I know my wife has to suffer with another kid that likes to build plastic things (my son loves Legos) but hey – it keeps my brain working and that is probably the most important thing.

Hello 2022!

Next up I am thankful we will get some armies I really hope comes with some rules. I doubt the Chaos Space Marine/Eldar release will be without rules but you never know.  Heck the last time we had a sweet boxed set for Chaos it came up with just an updated regular Codex – which while it gave a few things it was rather lackluster when you compare it to the old Space Marine book with its broken interactions and bonkers supplements.  Still I am glad to see something coming up and I hope the Chosen are not terrible (chatter and bits seems like maybe they will be alright… just have to wait and see).  I also hope the Forgefiend has some fun interactions in the new book because it would be depressing to have to find a use for them if you get 2 after swapping those mean old space elves for your buddies Chaos Space Marine half.

Eldar – At Last!

I am also happy for the Eldar release.  A lot of models I have seen on the table top are pretty old and while we always see some nicely painted ones (Go Sean go) it still falls under the whole – if it is broken people will play it and it will probably look a little rough around the edges.  It would be nice just to see some sweet acrobatic Space Elves looking bad ass.  Heck the little movie had some sweet looking Scorpions and I hope those designs show up.  Will just have to wait and see in the next few months.


T’au Empire

I really hope Tau are not just unfun to play against.  That is an army that feels like if you push things too far in one direction it becomes another “Ad-Mech” shooting gallery style list that could be rough to play against.  It is always the issue in how do you make a shooting army work without it just dunking on anything not shooting.  Also how do you make Drones interesting without them being too bad to take or just too good to ignore.  I always feel like the suits are ok as they are giant mech damage magnets but will see.

GW, please make it stop.

End the Madness

Speaking about making a book good or bad – are we hoping we see an update soon to maybe take the sails out of Thicc City?  I have read some fun articles from good players talking about them and watching a few get run it really seems like you have a whole lot of wiggle room to make bad decisions. I don’t want armies that hinge on perfect gameplay to even hope to work but we don’t need things that allow massive mistakes to be relatively ignored.  An army shouldn’t be losing just because of bad rolls and there needs to be a threat in making a bad movement choice a true threat to a win.

OOOOH! Pretty colors!

Lastly I am thankful for all the new paint and options we have.  Between what GW produces, Army Painter has coming out, and a ton of other fun products it is an amazing time to get an army painted.  There is no reason to be playing with bare plastic now when you have so many options to paint something quickly, efficiently, and looking fairly decent on the table top.  It is nice to play with something painted well and it is nice to lose to a decently painted army. It makes me think we really need to push Overall as the true winner and leave the Best General aspects as the ‘Ard Boyz realm of fun.  But that whole thing is another article for a better time.


Alright – I hope everyone had a great holidays and I hope this next year just continues to kick butt for people.  I can’t wait to see my friends at LVO and all the other events I get out to this next year.

Until next year!

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