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Warhammer: Armies on Parade Kicks Off With ‘New Year, New Army’

2 Minute Read
Jan 3 2022

Start your hobby engines because it’s time to start work on your Armies on Parade entries with a new Army!

Games Workshop is encouraging folks to start the New Year off with a new army as part of the yearly Armies on Parade event. With this year starting off eerily similarly to last year, who know how the event will end up in November. That said, that’s not a reason to wait until the last minute to start on your submissions.

As mentioned previously, to help you keep on track, this year GW has created some milestones for you as we get closer to the day when the submissions are due. If you plan on entering then following along with these milestones is a great way to stay motivated and on task for the big day.

via Warhammer Community


“Armies on Parade 2022 is the perfect excuse to pursue these dreams. It’s a year-long series of themed challenges focused on different elements of your army, like Battlefield Behemoths, and culminating in the Grand Finale, which will take place in November.

We’re kicking it all off with New Year, New Army, which runs throughout January and February, so pick an army and jump into a year of painting and hobbying.”

If you’re looking to hit the ground running there are lots of great options to start with. There are still great Start Collecting! boxes available. Plus the larger Combat Patrols that have replaced them on the 40k side. If you’re looking for AoS goodies, the Maggotkin of Nurgle just got a new Vanguard box and battletome which seems like a strong place to start as well.


Share Your Progress

“Make sure you share your New Year, New Army progress on social media with #ArmiesOnParade2022 – and keep an eye out on the Warhammer Community site because we’ll be sharing our favourites. Stick with the themes and at the end of the year you will easily have built up a force to rival those we saw in Armies on Parade 2021.”

That’s one #hashtag to follow for the new year for sure. I’m looking forward to seeing all the cool new stuff people work on. Personally, I’ve always enjoyed seeing the WIP shots as well as the completed miniatures. It’s cool to see the progression of projects from start to finish.

What are you going to start for the first milestone?


Author: Adam Harrison
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