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Warhammer 40K: Battlesector’s New Necrons DLC Is Almost Here

2 Minute Read
Apr 14 2022

The ancient dynasties of the Necrons awaken, ready to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. The Necrons DLC for Battlesector is at hand.

Warhammer 40K: Battlesector brings Necrons to the game as a playable faction in a new DLC pack coming next week. Releasing April 21st, the Necrons DLC adds a swath of new units, gameplay mechanics, and a new expansive campaign to the game. With sixty million years of ascendancy behind it, there’s a lot to look into. So let’s dive right on in with the Necron faction DLC.

Warhammer 40K: Battlesector Necrons Faction DLC

For sixty million years, the Necrons have slept in their tombs. Now they come to Battlesector! The Necron faction DLC brings fourteen new units to Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector, with unique gameplay mechanics, weapons, and skills to bring glory to the return of the Necron empire.

As you might expect, this new DLC adds what makes the Necrons special. The new units bring the tabletop to your desktop (or laptop, I don’t know what you play on). New units include the Necron Overlord with Command Protocols to buff units. The Plasmancer, who excels at dealing damage. Of course there are Warriors and Immortals to keep up the relentless march of the once-proud dynasties. And when you need some tactical flexibility you can call on the Lychguard and Triarch Praetorians to up your game.

Players can also employ Deathmark and Hexmark Destroyers for precise strikes, or Skorpekh Destroyers for devastating firepower. Need even more green glowing guns? The Heavy Lokhust Destroyers and Annihilation Barge have you covered. While Tomb Blades and Death Scythes have you covered in the air.

But what about the new campaign?

Necrons will be released on the same day as a new free update which will contain the new Planetary Supremacy campaign. It is a single player “conquest-style” campaign, in which 3 factions – the Blood Angels, Tyranids and Necrons – battle to eliminate the two other factions from the map. You’ll capture territory, build your army and battle for control of valuable resources that can turn the tide of war. Each playthrough will be unique and every battle takes place on a procedurally-generated map.


Necrons DLC releases April 21st

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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