Let’s Play D&D With Poison Ivy

I hope the DM is ready for all of the nature-themed crimes we’re about to commit because we’re playing D&D with Poison Ivy.
If you have a great memory, you remember more than two years ago when I made my first Let’s-Play-D&D with Harley Quinn. Quite a few things have changed about how I do sheets since then, but the big is one that I genuinely love doing and it’s stuck around. So with season three of Harley Quinn streaming into all of our televisions, I thought it was time to bring the other half of my favorite supervillain power couple into the campaign. This week we’re playing D&D with…
Poison Ivy
There are a few key things that make Poison Ivy. And all of them are very doable in your average D&D setting. She controls plants (no problem), she can charm and sometimes even control people (easy), and she’s a super morally gray character (that’s just normal D&D bay-bee). Sometimes characters would be out of place in most campaign settings. But Poison Ivy would fit in surprisingly well, outlandish nature-themed costume and all.
The only thing I really went back and forth for Ivy was her race. Human is a go-to, but wouldn’t fit for something who was a little something else. I also saw good reasoning for Human Revenant and Tiefling out there. But in the end, I decided to make her a Summer Eladrin Elf. The Eladrin are season-themed nature elves, and summer is known for their boldness, aggression, and calls to action. Which is perfect for an ecoterrorist on the technically-evil end of the alignment chart. It’s worth noting that Eladrin’s seasons can change or stay the same their entire life. This is fine, real people can change over time too, and so can Poison Ivy.
From there, we’re looking at a pretty by-the-books Circle of Spores Druid. Circle of Spores tends to be a little more fungal and mushroom-based than viny green plants. But in your average D&D game you can theme it however you want. Between spores and spells, she has plenty of ways to make people do her bidding and erupt plant life from wherever she wants.
And it’s a good thing that she has so many different ways to do those things because this isn’t a melee combat kind of character. I gave her a quarterstaff and the Shillelagh cantrip to make it a little more useful. But that’s really it for physical prowess.
I did make sure that he had a few useful feats though. Naturalist buffs up a lot of the other abilities that she already has to expert levels. And Alchemist is a nod to her days as a biochemist. Plus she can be seen mixing up some chemicals from time to time, so it’s clearly still a skill she’s practicing.
And there we have Poison Ivy for D&D. Commit crimes for nature, find girlfriend, profit.
How would you make Poison Ivy for D&D? Which version of her is your favorite? What movie, show, or comic should I make sheets from next? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!