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Five Goodies to Celebrate Christmas the Star Wars Way

3 Minute Read
Dec 22 2022

Bring a little more galactic fun to your normal holiday traditions and add a little Star Wars flavor to your Christmas.

Holiday traditions are fun and stuff. But so is your favorite movie series. So let’s combine a few things and bring a little more galactic fun to this year’s holiday festivities.

1. Ugly Star Wars Sweater

Every Christmas get-together needs an ugly sweater. It’s basically the most acceptable way to bring whatever your niche hobby is to a family dinner. Baby Yoda Grogu isn’t all that niche and just about everybody will recognize The Mandalorian, but maybe that means you’ll get a few compliments on your stylish sweater this year. And if Mando isn’t quite your style, there are zillions of wizard Star Wars sweater designs out there.

2. Make (Star Wars) Cookies

Christmas cookies and baking are a big part of most people’s family traditions. But they don’t all need to be candy cane and tree-shaped. Add a few Yodas and Darth Vaders to the mix and leave a few Wookiees for Santa this year.

3. This Incredible Darth Vader Puzzle

I was going to suggest taking some time to decorate; maybe one of those absurdly large blowups for your front yard. But then I saw this incredible puzzle and knew it was exactly how to spend Christmas. How else can you get this picture of Vader playing the piano in front of a roaring fireplace? I assume he’s waiting for Santa – who seems to be Yoda in this universe, according to the picture on the mantle. This is the best puzzle I’ve ever seen and if you don’t have any plans for Christmas, now you do!

4. Lego Star Wars Holiday Special

It’s goofy, it’s silly, it’s almost aggressively child friendly, and it’s part of the unpopular sequel trilogy, but it’s a lot of fun. The Lego version of Emperor Palpatine is easily the best version of Sheev out there, and he gets a bunch of screen time in a short, animated life day special gone wrong. This is a good time with or without little ones, but if younglings are a part of your Christmas, the Lego Special is a must.

Stream it now on Disney+

5. Star Wars Life Day Special

Is it terrible? Yes! Is it hard to find because George Lucas is on a personal mission to destroy every remaining copy? Also yes! Is Life Day related to Christmas? No! It’s closer to Thanksgiving on the calendar if we’re being honest! But there are a few Christmasy traditions sprinkled throughout this infamously awful holiday special. And I can’t think of a better tradition than subjecting all of your friends and family to it.

Give it a try on YouTube

How will you be adding a little Star Wars to your holiday season? Do you own any galactic Christmas stuff or have any wizard traditions already? Have you ever seen a better puzzle? Let us know in the comments!


May The Force Be With You, Adventurers!

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