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Warhammer 40K: Arks of Omen Card XV – The Fool (Inversed)

3 Minute Read
Feb 10 2023
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There’s a new Arks of Omen teaser and it’s not as ominous as the previous ones. But does that make it even more ominous? Meet the Fool.

Games Workshop is back with a new Arks of Omen card teaser and this one isn’t that creepy. But, when you think about it, that is kind of what makes it so creepy. Don’t understand? Take a look for yourself.

The dialogue is also confusing and a little disconcerting, too.

Arks of Omen Card XV – Inormama Invertus

XV- The Fool

The Fool (Inversed)

Yet here a change in spirit

From Fury to serenity?


I cannot say

I cannot yet see

This is clearly a court jester. But again, I’m not sure what’s inverted about this card. I don’t know much about tarot cards but when a card is dealt upside down that supposed to mean something different, right? Except in this case the card isn’t upside down but the expression on the face of the fool is apparently different.

What was the original face? We don’t know. Honestly it could be a completely different looking card. We saw that this Arks of Omen deck had two different images for the Daemon card and the Daemon (Inversed) card.


They also had different card numbers and from my limited knowledge of tarot cards I’m pretty sure that the cards have the same name and numbers. Regardless, the Arks of Omen deck is clearly playing by different rules. What I’m trying to say is that the Emperor’s Tarot cards do what they want!

Anyhow, I’m still not sure what this image is supposed to be referencing. The Fool has a weird looking tool in his hand that kind of reminds of T’au melee weapons in style (but not in function). He’s also standing on top of a pile of corpses with two birds with them.

Again, at first glance, his face isn’t scary or off putting. But then you take the whole image in and compare it to the other cards…well, it’s starts to feel disconcerting. Combined with the text this one is just even more confusing — but that’s probably the point.

If you’ve got any theories on what this card means we’d like to read them in the comments. This one has us scratching our heads!


Author: Adam Harrison
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