Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylist: Building 10th Edition World Eaters!

Goatboy here with my first angry, angry World Eaters list for 40K 10th Edition. Angron is ready to play!
The last new army I finished in 9th Edition was my own personal World Eaters army. I loved the nutty models as soon as they came out and sadly only got one game with them in before 10th Edition swept in like a tidal wave. I knew I was going to play them at an event but sadly needed to play my Chaos Daemons to practice for my last 9th event.
This of course left my poor angry Word Eaters in a box waiting for 10th Edition and my desire to try and play an assault army in a very shooting heavy game currently. Thankfully World Eaters can be very fast if you build them that way. So going all in, getting there intact, and hopefully wrecking shop seems like a good time.
World Eaters List Decisions
Let’s talk about some limits – currently I don’t have Jakhals painted and while I think they are good for the army I want to wait and see if I should paint more. I also had a very heavy Eightbound army too and I think I will just invest more in them. Then of course – Angron seems good and being able to bring him back with full wounds – and worth 415 points – seems like a good idea in any 10th Edition World Eaters army.
So with that – you can see where my limits are and the nonsense I want to do.
World Eaters – 10th Edition List – Murder Wave of Jerks V.1
Angron – 415pts
Lord Invocatus “Guac Master!” – 155pts
Daemon Prince – Favoured of Khorne – 250pts
Eightbound X 6 – 310pts
Eightbound X 6 – 310pts
Exalted Eightbound X 6 – 355pts
Chaos Spawn X 2 – 65
Land Raider – 255pts
Pts: 1975
World Eater Tactics
This armylist seems pretty simple. It is just a ton of guys going crazy into you with the Daemon Prince to let you have a bunch of guys with a 4+ Inv save. We’ll see if that is worth it and instead look at either a Jugger Lord or something else instead. It would give me more Chaos Spawn as well which feels pretty good. Remember that you can get them to a 4+ Feel No Pain which sounds annoying for an opponent to chew thru.
But hey this is list #1 for the new edition and I get a ton of new things to talk about!