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Play RPGs on Your Busy Schedule With ‘TaleBlank RPG’

3 Minute Read
Jun 30 2023

TaleBlank is a different way to play TTRPGs with your friends. No more having to worry about scheduling issues!

There are a lot of stereotypes and memes regarding tabletop roleplaying games. But none is so pervasive as the “all my friends canceled last minute” memes, and for good reason. Life can be busy and is often “more important” than playing games. That’s where TaleBlank comes in!

What is TaleBlank?

There are plenty of ways to play RPGs online, so-called Virtual Tabletops or VTTs. TaleBlank is not a VTT. It’s an online, text-based, asynchronous role-playing game. It’s designed, from the ground up, to be for people with busy schedules.

TaleBlank does a lot of the crunch for the GM and the players, leaving them to just enjoy the story being woven at their own pace. GMs have access to some template campaign settings but with plenty of options to add their own flair, through fill-in-the-blank style of narrative. In every way, TaleBlank excels at letting players and GMs be a part of a rich and engaging story that won’t take up a ton of time for anyone.

How Does It Work?

For GMs, TaleBlank provides some basic overview of the story, setting, and narrative. During the initial setup, the GM will choose certain plot points, some character traits of key NPCs, and, of course, add in any specific details they want.

While the GM is setting up the campaign, the players will be crafting their characters. Despite the simple appearance, TaleBlank has a robust character creator that focuses on narrative portions of the characters but also has plenty to offer in terms of skills, traits, and abilities.

TaleBlank is much more interested in why and how your character does certain things, in order to really encourage those dramatic moments to appear naturally.

Skill Checks and Failure

You didn’t think TaleBlank was entirely narrative-driven, did you? Like any good RPG, TaleBlank has skill checks. Every character has skills they are good at and bad at, and anything can have a skill check associated with it.

Anytime a play is describing an action with a chance of failure, they will pick which of their skills (and perhaps special ability) they wish to use. Then, they determine their own chance of success for that skill. Keeping in mind, the GM will be able to see this self-assessment and might disagree.

Beyond just their skill ability, TaleBlank also considers if the action is something the character would typically do. This can affect a character’s Balance, which can be used to improve a character’s ability or to attempt something wildly reckless. But sometimes that’s just what you need.


Get Started With TaleBlank

TaleBlank has a lot more depth than it might seem on the surface. It’s a fully developed roleplaying game system that’s designed to be played on your own schedule. We all have busy lives and obligations and unexpected events. These often can push your gaming session to just next week (but that’s what you said last week!).

Get started with a free trial today and get your RPG fix without needing to worry about losing your Sunday supposedly being your relaxation day at home.

Author: Matt Sall
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