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Age of Sigmar: Diving Into The Cities of Sigmar Army Box

4 Minute Read
Aug 26 2023

We got our hands on the Cities of Sigmar Army Box for Age of Sigmar and we’re taking a closer look at the contents.

Games Workshop has been showcasing the new and improved Cities of Sigmar army and your first crack at the new stuff is in the army box. They sent us a copy and we’re diving right into the box. What goodies are we getting? And how good are those models? That’s what we’re taking a look at today!

Cities of Sigmar Army Box

The Cities of Sigmar Army Box has pretty much all the stuff you’d expect from a Games Workshop new army launch box. Aside from the miniatures (more on those below) we get the special edition Battletome (which is quite fancy), all the Warscroll Cards, a deck of quick reference cards, and waterslide transfers for the various Cities you can choose to represent.

As part of the Battletome, GW also included a token set that you can use to help you keep track of all the Orders this army will be tossing out. Oh, and of course the Warscroll cards also come with some handy punch-out tokens as well. Frankly, this army is going to need a TON of them for marking things on the battlefield so both of these are welcome additions.

Miniatures-wise you’re getting a pretty good spread of “core” units for a Cities of Sigmar army. What I mean is that these are all fairly generic units — which is good. You can build upon this core because it’s not really pushing you into a particular playstyle with specialty units. If anything the models in the set are too melee focused. This box has the basic melee unit (Freeguild Steelhelms) and Freeguild Cavaliers and comes with a Marshal and Priest. There’s a distinct lack of cannon and fusil in this box.


Is that a bad thing? Personally, I don’t think so! But the idea of playing a gunline Cities of Sigmar army doesn’t really appeal to me anyhow. That said I think those ranged options are kind of a core element to this new version of the Cities of Sigmar. And since GW is leaning into the “mortals” of the Mortal realms here I get what they were shooting for — it’s just a little odd to not have, ya know, those shooting units.

No Fusils? No Problem!

In terms of building these models I already wrote up a bit about how impressive these models are. Specifically how the Freeguild Cavaliers give me some hope for future releases. Those models in particular are SUPER modular so, if you want to, you can have very different looking units. I was impressed with the helmets in particular because you could affix them open or closed. Additionally, there are unhelmeted options you can choose. When you combine that with all the various horse options, weapon options, and “extras” you can get a pretty wide array of combinations.



One other highly modular option is the Freeguild Marshal. I knew that you’d have the ability to customize this character quite a bit, I just wasn’t expecting to have that many hand options. Each hand has multiple options — even double of the same option.

I contemplated going with the double shield look — but that would have been a tad goofy. But you CAN build a marshal like that if you wanted. I don’t know why you’d want to…but the fact that you can is neat.


Overall, I’m pretty impressed with the miniatures in the army box for the Cities of Sigmar. I think that GW really went for a particular style with these miniatures and they visually nailed that. They are part peasant army and part professional soldier. They are fighters — men and women who signed up (or ‘took the coin’ as it were) and ventured out to fight the against the wilds. These are “mere mortals” who lock arms and fight against all manners of terrors and nightmares. They are underdogs who fight an uphill battle against Orruks, Gargants, and the undead! It’s hard not to root for them…unless you’re the one staring down the barrel of their fusils.

The Cities of Sigmar Army Box is up for Pre-order this weekend. If this is an army that appeals to you then I highly recommend you snag this while supplies last…

Promotional Product Provided by Games Workshop, PLC


Author: Adam Harrison
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