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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘Flame On’

3 Minute Read
Sep 26 2023
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Looks like some is about to light things up with the brand new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop.

Welcome to another Tuesday and your weekly Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. We got two barrels and a possible flamer sighting. But before we get too far into the theories you should have a look for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

At first glance I thought that maybe this was an Autocannon. But between the vents and the odd barrels leading up to the tips, I’m not so sure. What makes me  think we’re looking at a flame weapon? Each barrel looks like it’s actually made of two “tubes” which would make sense if one was for the fuel source and the other was some type of propellant to push the flames further.

Now, there are some pretty big differences between this Rumor Engine and other Imperial flamers. First up, there’s usually the “igniter” tip which is also not present. Also the end of the flamers typically end in a cone/nozzle to push the flames out further.

Additionally, the flame grate is different. All that really means is that if this is a flamer then it’s likely not imperial in design — or at least from the Space Marines.




The other thought was that it could be a Reaper Autocannon or some other twin-linked version of the Autocannon. I don’t think it’s got enough spikes to be a “chaosy” weapon. But an Autocannon would explain the size of the side vents. But that doesn’t really explain the extra tubes. unless each tube is a barrel itself and we’re looking at some crazy multi-barrel rotary weapon!


As far as the overall narrative from our new Adept that’s monitoring the Rumor Engine…nothing much has changed. They are theorizing the purpose of the Rumor Engine and if there’s some alternate/parallel time thing going on. Honestly, this entry was a little light…but that’s okay. At least they aren’t suffering some mental break like previous entries…


If you’ve got a theory of what this weapon could be and who’s wielding it drop it in the comments!


Author: Adam Harrison
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