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Blade Runner RPG: ‘Fiery Angels’ Expansion Available Now –  Find Out If Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep

3 Minute Read
Nov 13 2023

The first big expansion for the Blade Runner RPG hit digital pre-order this weekend. Fiery Angels is a case you won’t forget.

Break out the Vangelis soundtrack. The year is 2037, and the neon-drenched, rain-soaked streets of Los Angeles are full of intrigue and Replicants. You are a Blade Runner. It’s your job to find them. And bring them in.

And a new case file for the Blade Runner RPG, Fiery Angels, takes you deep into the world of corporate intrigue. Case File 02: Fiery Angels is a campaign in a box for the Blade Runner RPG. It comes complete with in-world handouts, maps, photos, and more.

It won’t be out for physical release until early next year. But you don’t have to wait. If you pre-order the physical version, you get immediate access to the full PDF for the campaign. Check it out!

Blade Runner RPG: Case File 02 – Fiery Angels

This new investigation starts off with the Blade Runners assigned to question a suspect arrested while trying to infiltrate the Wallace Corporation Memory Vaults. The case leads the team down a perilous path that explores the boundaries of Replicant technology and its consequences. The player characters need to contend with an array of physical, mental, and moral challenges.

Case File 02: Fiery Angels is a stand-alone adventure, but also continues story elements from the Case File 01: Electric Dreams. Written by Tomas Härenstam and Joe LeFavi (lead designers of the Blade Runner RPG), Case File 02: Fiery Angels will be packaged in a deluxe boxed set, including:

A beautifully illustrated and detailed scenario book with locations, characters, events, and leads to follow.

Eleven handouts, including a variety of in-world artifacts and Esper photos.

Seven full-color maps.

A custom manila envelope for the players to keep their evidence safe in.


Fourteen high quality custom cards for non-player characters.

As the Blade Runners investigate the Wallace Corporation and its run-in with a Replicant, the case unfolds into a twisting path that promises “moral challenges” for Blade Runners. This could be the perfect setup for the other Blade Runner RPG book due to release before too long, focused entirely on the Replicant Rebellion.

Now get out there and do a man’s job, sir!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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