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Local Legends: Three Epic Encounters For Anyone To Run

3 Minute Read
May 8 2024

Steamforged Games has done it again with the Epic Encounters: Local Legends boxes. We’ve got three more for your next RPG session.

A few days ago I was gushing about the new Epic Encounters: Local Legends Tavern Kit from Steamforged Games. Today, we’ve got three more adventures from the same product line and they are top notch, but on a slightly smaller scale.

I’m going to go over the contents of each of these boxes without diving too much in to spoiler territory. I’ll mainly be focusing on the miniatures and the extras in the box that make these excellent additions to and GM/DM’s toolkit.

Local Legends – Ghost Pirate Encounter

The Ghost Pirate Encounter has three miniatures in the box. There’s the Ghost Pirate Captain and three of his forsaken crew. There’s also the full color battlemat with 1″ squares already included as well as the adventure guide.

What I really liked about this one (aside from the theme) is how easy this is to add to any campaign with a coastline. The map is of a Ghost Ship and the shoreline so as long as you’ve got an area to drop this in, you’re golden. The booklet has great info on how to plant the seeds to this adventure into your campaigns. There’s also loads of background you can use. If a cool looking Ghost Captain and crew doesn’t get your players attention I don’t know what else will!

Local Legends – Night Hag Encounter

Up next is the Local Legends Night Hag Encounter. Hags of all sorts are fun antagonists in campaigns so why not have one in your next adventure? If you’ve played Baldur’s Gate 3 then you’ve probably run into a Hag as well. Now, you can have your players tackle their own version. Again, the box comes with 4 miniatures but the stand out is the Night Hag herself. Her lair has a really cool looking map (with the 1″ squares on it of course). And, naturally, there’s the handy booklet as well.


I actually really liked this adventure setup myself and fully plan on stealing running this one almost as is. Any DM/GM worth their salt will be able to scale this one to any adventuring party for a fun encounter set. It’s such an easy way to add a new thing to your games with this box. Need a cool Night Hag mini? How about an interesting NPC with a full backstory? Maybe just an unexpected encounter with possible world-ending consequences on the line!? This box has all three.

Local Legends – Green Dragon Encounter

The final one is possibly one of the best ways to introduce your players to a dragon. The Green Dragon encounter puts your players in a swamp with a tricksy foe. Again, I won’t be spoiling the encounter but let’s just say this one has some twists to it. What I like about this is that the Green Dragon’s miniature isn’t a gargantuan dragon. It’s more like an young adult which means it’s a threat to most parties but also approachable for lower level parties, too. Also, this one has some ideas on how to run it as something besides a pure combat encounter.

Again, what I also appreciate about these Epic Encounters: Local Legends is how any DM/GM can take what they want and leave the rest — or just run it straight from the box. If you want to get a game going with minimal effort you can absolutely pick any of these up and make a fun RPG session out of it. All of them are fully compatible with 5e and could be used for tons of other systems with minor tweaks to their rules.



However you want to slice these up is truly up to you — make your next RPG session epic with these Local Legends!

Author: Adam Harrison
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