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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – X-Men ’97 Blue And Gold Teams

4 Minute Read
May 9 2024

It’s a nostalgia trip back to the 90’s with the latest X-Men ’97 episode. Let’s build X-Men Blue and Gold Teams in Marvel: Crisis Protocol!

If you haven’t seen the latest episode of X-Men ’97 then you know what’s coming. If you haven’t, well…Spoiler Warning.

Still here? Good. Let’s get into this.

via Marvel


So in Season 1: Episode 9 – Tolerance is Extinction, pt. II we see the X-Men team split up into two different teams: Blue and Gold. There’s a good reason for the split as they need to achieve two missions with limited time. There’s more than a few kinks in the plans as we get later in the episode but the fact that they busted out the old team colors got me excited. Excited enough to wonder “what would those teams look like if we built them in Marvel: Crisis Protocol?”

Now, I’ve got the list of the teams together and there’s some issues with characters not being available (yet). That said, I wanted to be true the list they put together on the show first with available characters. I’ve also created alternative lists with character I think are suitable replacements. Let’s get into it!


X-Men Blue Team


Cyclops – Leader – Threat Level (TL) = 4

Nightcrawler = TL 4

Wolverine = TL 4

Professor X = TL 4

Rogue = TL 4


Sunspot = TL ?

Jubilee = TL ?

Total Threat Level = 20 + ???

So this is (I think) what the line-up of who was going to Asteroid M. Now, events in the show make a couple of those member split off. Plus, characters like Sunspot and Jubilee aren’t available yet. So you can consider this the “roster” for them — for now. That said, I’ve got a couple stand-ins we could use. They aren’t exactly X-Men members, but their seem like a good fit in terms of powers.

X-Men Blue Team, modified

Cyclops – Leader – Threat Level (TL) = 4

Nightcrawler = TL 4


Wolverine = TL 4

Professor X = TL 4

Rogue = TL 4

Pyro (as Sunspot) = TL 3

Gambit (as Jubilee) = TL 3

Total Threat Level = 26

Again, Pyro and Gambit aren’t 1:1 replacements, but they have miniatures. And this is only 7/10 character slots in the roster anyhow. What I’m saying is this isn’t exactly a “fully legal list” right now anyhow. That said, if you dropped out the characters that don’t have miniatures and take out the folks who ended up not on the team you get this actual list:


X-Men Blue Team –  16 Threat Level

Cyclops – Leader – Threat Level (TL) = 4

Nightcrawler = TL 4

Wolverine = TL 4

Professor X = TL 4

Total Threat Level = 16


There’s not a lot of TL 16 options and you could add in Rogue or Gambit (as Jubilee) to get you in the 19-20 range. Also, this looks like a fun list to actually try as well.


X-Men Gold Team

Storm – Leader = TL  3

Jean Grey = TL 5

Cable = TL 5

Beast = TL 3

Morph = TL ?

Forge = TL ?

Total Threat Level = 16 + ???

I just want to say that I really like Storm as a leader option in X-Men and she’s a potent Threat Level 3 character. That said, she’s got some pretty heavy hitting 5’s on her squad even if Morph and Forge don’t exist yet. But here’s a list I think would work instead.

X-Men Gold Team, Modified

Storm – Leader = TL  3

Jean Grey = TL 5

Cable = TL 5

Beast = TL 3

Mystique (as Morph) = TL 3

Iron Man (as Forge) = TL 3

Total Threat Level = 22

If you don’t get the Iron Man as Forge reference it’s because lots of folks consider Forge to be the mutant version of Tony Stark. You could swap in Bishop if you wanted a bit more threat level (or a bigger threat Invincible Iron Man  or even Hulk Buster). Either way, I think this is another solid potential list. Again, it’s only 6/10 for a full roster, but you get the idea. There’s also the fact that Morph has uh…morphed into characters like Colossus, Psylocke, Beast and more to consider. This team probably has the most versatile options — or just run Mystique because, well, shapeshifting!

Once again, here’s a list without the non-existing miniatures and it’s actually a solid core, too.

X-Men Gold Team, Threat Level 16

Storm – Leader = TL  3

Jean Grey = TL 5

Cable = TL 5

Beast = TL 3

Total Threat Level = 16

Again, lots of room to go up to 19-20 with other various X-Men options available. That said, it could be time for some danger room practice with these two teams against each other.

Which Threat Level 16 team would you choose in a Blue vs Gold throw down?

Author: Adam Harrison
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