Warhammer: The Old World – Chaos ‘Made-To-Order’ Metals Vs Modern Versions

There’s a batch of metal miniatures for the Warriors of Chaos coming to Made-To-Order. But what if you don’t want to wait that long?
Games Workshop has announced four miniatures coming back for the Warriors of Chaos out there. There’s two Daemon Princes, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord and a Chaos Spawn coming — all in metal. However, Made-to-Order typically has quite a lead time once the order is placed. So what are your GW options if you don’t want to wait that long? Let’s take a look at some modern plastic options vs their metal counterparts.
Chaos Daemon Princes
Let’s start with the most obvious choice. The metal Chaos Daemon Princes. I know there are some old hammer vets out there that love these miniatures. And hey, more power to you. But I much prefer the modern plastic kit over these minis.
We can talk about the differences in these miniatures all day long and a lot of that is going to be personal preference. However, if my opponent showed up with the plastic version, as long as it was on the correct base, I wouldn’t have an issue. I’m there to get a game in. The plastic option also has loads of options to work with and you can customize it as much as you want. That also includes options to leave the armor off and make it look more like the classics if you choose…
And again, it’s out right now. No need to wait for the lead time on the Made-to-Order versions.
Chaos Spawn
Much like the Daemon Princes there is an alternate plastic option that’s available right now for this kit. That said, this is one case where I do actually like the metal sculpt more than the plastic options.
I was thinking about these plastic miniatures and how they are designed. They do have the advantage of coming in a box of two and you’ve got a TON of customization on them as well. However, I personally don’t really care for Chaos Spawn. At least the old metal one looks scary with those scythe arms. The plastics (which were reboxed in 2016 but are even older than that) just don’t inspire fear.
I mean, if I was a Chaos Warrior and the threat of getting turned into a spawn was hanging over my head I would want to avoid that fate. Mostly because they just look terribly goofy. The metal version is almost a reward vs the plastics…
Sorcerer Lord on Chaos Steed
Okay, this model is a winner and I’m glad it’s back. Full stop. And here’s the kicker: There isn’t a modern plastic version of a Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Chaos Steed. Personally, I never understood why GW updated the Slaves to Darkness army in AoS and never bothered to give us a mounted Chaos Sorcerer. I mean, I kind of understood from a rules perspective. But we had the Sorcerer on a Manticore for a bit…
Anyhow, the closest comparison to this MTO version is the one that’s out now for pre-order. It’s also for the Old World. It’s also online only currently:
Between the two of these options, I think I’d much rather have the MTO version. Either that or it’s time to convert a Sorcerer from one of the horses pulling the Chaos Chariot. Which is actually very doable if you’ve built the Gorebeast version. You just need a suitable rider and some rather basic hobby skills. Just tossing that out there…
At the end of the day, I’m saying I’m 50/50 on the MTO vs the modern plastics with these options. Which ones do you prefer?