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Star Wars: Legion – Wookiee Warriors Unit Preview

3 Minute Read
Dec 19 2018
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Get all your “pull your arms out of sockets” jokes in now because when the Wookiee Warriors hit the tabletop, they aren’t in a laughing mood. Check the new Unit Expansion coming to Star Wars: Legion!

Eariler this month we got a look at Chewbacca as the first Wookiee Operative Expansion for Star Wars: Legion. Today we’re taking a look at some of his furry friends with the new Wookiee Warrior Expansion. Tough, adaptable, and heavy-hitting, the Wookiee Warriors are a welcome addition to the Rebellion.

via Fantasy Flight Games

Clocking in at 75 Points to start the Wookiee Warriors have a very adaptable toolkit that allows them to be effective no matter what terrain they are dealing with. They ignore the effects of difficult terrain thanks to Unhindered and also have Expert Climber. That allows them to be surprisingly mobile and get around to spots the enemy might not expect. That mobility is backed up by the Charge and Indomitable abilities as well.

Their close combat attacks are pretty deadly with 2 black dice and that’s where this unit really shines. The Kashyyyk Pistol has a decent black and white die at range 1-2. Again, with their toolset and that ferocious close combat attack you’re going to want to get them in the enemies face and start hacking your way to victory.

The classic Bowcaster Wookiee is an upgrade that’s worth taking as well. This adds some extra range as well as Impact 1 and Pierce 1 to the pool. Plus having another Wookiee in the squad is pretty handy too!

FFG also showed off a few more items that they recommend taking in the Wookiee Unit. Thanks to their toolkit they are freed-up to take some interesting options:


Recon Intel is a great option as it allows them to Scout ahead and get into even better position.


Fragmentation Grenades gives them just a little bit more punch when they need it.



And Tenacity makes the Wookiee Warriors hit that much harder in close combat when they are wounded.

Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion $24.95

Despite their imposing size, Wookiees are normally peaceful and proud. After years of suffering under Imperial rule, however, many Wookiees have taken to the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War as members of the Rebel Alliance. Although they are a rare sight on the battlefield, Wookiees can quickly enter a berserker rage that any surviving enemies will not soon forget.

Within the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion, Rebel generals will find everything they need to add a group of Wookiees to their army as a special forces unit. Four unpainted, easily assembled miniatures show the Wookiees charging into the fray brandishing their Ryyk Blades while five unique upgrade cards can prepare them for whatever they may face on the battlefield.

The Wookiee Warriors are due out in Q4 of this year…which means they should be arriving very soon!


Author: Adam Harrison
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