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Hobby: Painting a Storm Troll Pt. 2

4 Minute Read
Jan 24 2014

Lets finish up this Storm Troll!  Get out those paint brushes and follow along.

I left off last time having just finished off those crazy lightning tattoos. That leaves mostly just the little details. Details like the interior of the mouth here. I start laying out the highlights for the gums with some Ryn Flesh. The teeth are painted Sulfuric Yellow.

The Ryn Flesh on the gums is blended into the surrounding area a little better while the teeth receive a highlight of Menoth White Highlight.

Next up its the troll nubbins. After a lot of thinking I decide to go with Cryx Bane Base for these guys.

I blend the Bane Base into a nice highlight of Underbelly Blue.

For the wrap, I go with Beast Hide. It has something of a suede appearance to it and is a decent contrast to the rest of the colors present on the model.

I highlight the Beast Hide with Menoth White Highlight and shade it with the desaturated purple I used so much in the last article. Unfortunately the retarder I used to blend it is reflecting a lot of light so it looks a little off.

For the fur I begin with a basecoat of Umbral Umber. 
You’ll notice I’ve begun on the bases already. Between the glue for the flock and the paint, there can be a lot of drying time wasted on bases. Starting on it early can save time. Especially if you make it the last thing you do before you go to bed. If you’re curious, Gun Corps Brown is the color I use for the base.

Back to the fur. The next part’s easy. I Drybrush on some Bloodstone.

The base has been washed with Agrax Earth. This is one of the few GW products I use because its so awesome. I honestly can’t imagine my painting skill ever reaching a level where I couldn’t still find a use for Agrax Earth somewhere. After the wash I drybrush on some Menoth White Base. The same color is used for the stalks on the sculpy mushrooms and the bottom of their caps. The main color for these Mushrooms is Skorne Red. The rock is Bastion Gray drybrushed with Thrall Flesh.

And it’s back to the fur again. I mix some Thrall Flesh in with that Bloodstone and then it’s time for some more drybrushing.

Then it’s time for some Armor Wash to darken it up a bit.


The final step is to paint the nails. It’s a Sulfuric Yellow highlight over Umbral Umber.

And there he is.

Surely you noticed I was painting up a brother for this guy? Maybe one of them would have benefitted from a little conversion work, but if I’d cut one up to repose him I would have had to figure out how to get all those Runes to line up right after I put the pieces back together. Nah… just didn’t seem worth it. I put the rock at a bit of an angle to kinda change up his pose just a bit.

~ And here’s the army that inspired this project. Borka’s Family Reunion! Hope you enjoyed the articles.


Ben Williams
Author: Ben Williams
  • HOBBY: Building a Thrift Store Display Board