The DIRT – Infinity Achievements

We’re going to take a break from our usual “The DIRT” format. Why? Because here at Bell of Lost Souls, authors need to have Evergreen articles (articles that are not dependent on being released on a particular date). And sometimes, those articles need to be released into the wild. That’s what we’re doing this week. Don’t think it won’t be a good read, but after so many weeks of 3rd edition/GenCon news, it might be a bit of a shock to the system.
Infinity Achievements
There are achievements on XBOX, Playstation, and within Steam for PC Gaming. Why not have this same concept for tabletop war gaming? With that in mind I create the initial 250 gamer points for Infinity (with some achievement hunter tips at the end). Some of you veterans may feel that the achievements are not sufficiently difficult, but my end goal will be to get to either 500 or 1000 points and the idea is to experience EVERYTHING Infinity has to offer.
- 5 points – New Recruit – Played first Infinity Game
- 5 points – Fire Team, Reporting For Duty – Played a 100 point Infinity game
- 10 points – Squad, Reporting For Duty – Played a 200 point Infinity game
- 20 points – Platoon, Reporting For Duty – Played a 300 point Infinity game
- 10 points – Company, Reporting For Duty – Played a 400 point Infinity game
- 20 points – Play at least one game against each Faction army.
- 20 points – Play at least one game against each Sectorial army.
- 15 points – Pay it Forward – Teach/Mentor someone else how to play Infinity.
- 10 points – Me and My Shadow – Played a 2 vs 2 Infinity game
- 5 points – Voltron Says “Hi” – Field or destroy a TAG in an Infinity game
- 5 points – It’s like I’m looking in a mirror – Defeat an opponent fielding the same faction or sectorial that you are using.
- 5 points – Let me clear my throat – Post on the official Infinity Forums
- 5 points – Hi, my name is who? – Register for ITS
- 10 points – Came to Play – Play in an ITS Tournament
- 10 points – Came to Win – Win an ITS Tournament with at least 8 players
- 5 points – Crit Happens – Roll at least 5 crits in one game
- 5 points – I see you – Defeat an opponent who has at least 3 Camo/TO camo units without the use of MSV.
- 10 points – Up Close and Personal – Defeat an enemy model in close combat.
- 10 points – Say Hello to my little friend – Kill more than one opponent model in a shotgun template
- 10 points – Back to Basics – Kill an opponent with just a pistol (outside of CC)
- 5 points – MEDIC!!!!! – Field a team that has at least 3 paramedics/doctors. You must also heal at least 2 wounds.
- 5 points – And we gonna let it Burn, burn, burn, burn – Kill more than one opponent model in a flame thrower template
- 5 points – Can’t we all just get along? – Hack and possess/sepsitor an opponent’s model
- 10 points – Run Away!!! – Defeat an opponent after your army is “in retreat”
- 10 points – It’s a Jungle out there – Play a game that has at least 2 different difficult terrain types
- 20 points – David vs Goliath – Remove all structure points from an opposing TAG with only strength 13 weapons.
This might seem like a such a departure from the typical strategy wargame mindset. But what if you had a tournament or event where wins/losses were half the points a person could achieve and achievements accounted for the other half. While the format might not work for the achievements I’ve listed above (like Pay it Forward), a set of achievements could be constructed specifically for things that could happen in a game. If players were encouraged to get those achievements, it might make the game just a little bit more awesome.
Achievement Hunting