PP: New Releases The Wanderer & Skorne Command

The Skorne Command book hit shelves and the Gyrmkin have a new Warlock on the move!
via Privateer Press
Forces of HORDES: Skorne Command $31.99 (soft cover)
From the blasted Stormlands of eastern Immoren march the cruel armies of the Skorne Empire, intent on the ultimate conquest of the Iron Kingdoms. Disciplined ranks of Cataphracts and Praetorians march side by side with exotic and deadly warbeasts that have been brought to heel through pain hooks and the lash. Leading them in battle are the potent and merciless skorne warlocks. Having mastered the dark art of mortitheurgy, these warrior-mystics push their implacable soldiers and raging warbeasts past normal physical and mental limits – sometimes even past death itself.
Forces of HORDES: Skorne Command provides the foundation you need to march toward glorious conquest with:
- Complete rules and profiles for the brutal warlocks and pain-fueled warbeasts of the Skorne Empire, including two new warlocks and a new character warbeast.
- A selection of units and solos that can form the hard-hitting backbone of your Skorne army.
- Detailed history and background information on the skorne and their martial culture.
- A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
- Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Skorne armies with specific benefits.
The Wanderer $21.99
If you care not where you roam, every road will take you home.
Traveling the unknown parts of Caen, the Wanderer once wished only to go where he pleased—until his confinement within the depths of Urcaen drove him mad. Now freed from that hell, he roams the world seeking those marked by sin to deliver upon them his own twisted and tortuous justice.
Both the Skorne Command book and The Wanderer are out now, but here’s a look at what’s up next from Privateer Press:
Murder Crows
Yeah…those Gyrmkin are named correctly!