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Learn How To Play: Star Wars Legion

2 Minute Read
Mar 16 2018
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Fantasy Flight Games’ hottest new game is a breeze to pick up. Let us teach you.

I’ve made no secret of my excitement and love for the upcoming Star Wars Legion. Legion is an easy and affordable game to get into, one full of tactical depth and cinematic moments. Yet with any new game comes the challenge of learning the rules and figuring out the game. FFG has kindly put the rules up on their website, you can find them here, and players are already getting started with demo games. However to help those who were able to make it to a demo, or who prefer watching to reading, we here at BoLS have put together a video primer to get you started on the Legion rules. Go Ahead and take a look:

What You’ll find

In our video there you’ll find an overview of how the various units, upgrade and command cards work in Star Wars Legion. You’ll also find examples of moving and attacking as well as explanations for the various tokens in the game, the turn order and what actions a unit can take. In short, pretty much everything you need to get started with Legion.

A Galaxy On the Brink

Legion is on the brink of coming out, with its release set for March 22nd, just a week away! Soon you’ll be able to get your hands on all the coolest units from a Galaxy Far Far Away. So dig in, get acquainted, and start prepping your armies. Remember, knowing the rules early could detiermine if you will be the Master or the Apprentice.

Would You Like to Know More?


For more coverage on Legion you can check out our other videos, including:

Our Unboxing of the Core Set


My Game with the Designer Alex Davy 



And others on our Youtube Channel.

Are you ready for Legion? Let us know, down in the comments!

Author: Abe Apfel
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