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40K Top List Of The Week: February 13th – AM & Their Iron Giant

4 Minute Read
Feb 13 2019
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Take a look at who’s winning, losing and this week’s top championship list in 40K – brought to you by BCP.

Welcome 40K players. Today we have your weekly report of all things competitive 40k.  We have the top lists being played out there in the world, what faction are winning, and the list that won the biggest event this last week.  So out on your armchair general’s hat and let’s dive into the data, brought to us by Best Coast Pairings.


The Unbeatable List: This is the an anonymized, abridged armylist that won the largest event in the past week we have data for provided by Best Coast Pairings:

Bridade Detachment – Astra Militarum – Catachan
Vigilus Defiant: Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company

Company Commander – Boltgun, Chainsword, Warlord
Company Commander – laspistol, Chainsword, Relic: Kurov’s Aquila

10x Infantry Squad, frag grenades, laspistol/chainsword on sergeant, 9x lasguns
10x Infantry Squad, frag grenades, laspistol/chainsword on sergeant, 9x lasguns
10x Infantry Squad, frag grenades, laspistol/chainsword on sergeant, 9x lasguns
10x Infantry Squad, frag grenades, laspistol/chainsword on sergeant, 9x lasguns
10x Infantry Squad, frag grenades, laspistol/chainsword on sergeant, 9x lasguns
10x Infantry Squad, frag grenades, laspistol/chainsword on sergeant, 9x lasguns
10x Infantry Squad, frag grenades, laspistol/chainsword on sergeant, 9x lasguns
10x Infantry Squad, frag grenades, laspistol/chainsword on sergeant, 9x lasguns

9x Bullgryns,  Bullgryn mauls, frag bombs, Bone’ead with slabshield, 4x stabshields, 4x brute shields
Astropath, laspistol
Ministorum Priest, laspistol, chainsword, frag and krak grenades


-Fast Attack
5x Rough Rider Squad, laspistols, chainswords, frag grenades, sergeant with hunting lance, 2x hunting lances, 2x plasma guns
Hellhound, Inferno Cannon, heavy bolter
Hellhound, Inferno Cannon, heavy bolter

-Heavy Support
3x Heavy Weapons Squad, lasguns, mortars, frag grenades
Wyvern, Quad stormshard mortars, heavy bolter
Wyvern, Quad stormshard mortars, heavy bolter

Super-Heavy Aux Detachment – Imperial Knights
Household: Raven

-Lord of War
Knight Castellan, 2x twin seigebreaker cannons, 2x shieldbreaker missiles, plasma decimator, volcano lance, 2x twin melta guns, titanic feet

Gee, this list sure looks familiar.


The Most Played Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players when submitting their lists. This gives a global view of what is popular and being played out there in the competitive scene: These are additionally color-coded with position deltas from the previous week. We are also tracking how many weeks they have been in that position starting in September of 2018.

February 14th – 2019
1: Astra Militarum = 2 Weeks

2: Imperial Knights = 2 Weeks
3: Orks = 2 Weeks
4: Adeptus Astartes +2
5: T’au Empire -1
6: Drukhari +3
7: Tyranids (new)
8: Asuryani = 2 Weeks
9: Ynnari (new)
10: Death Guard -3

(Last Week) February 6th – 2019
1: Astra Militarum +1
2: Imperial Knights -1
3: Orks +2
4: Tau Empire +2
5: Adepta Sororitas -2
6: Adeptus Astartes -1
7: Death Guard +2
8: Asuryani (new)
9: Drukhari -1
10: Necrons (new)


The Most Winning Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players who are winning events. This gives a global view of what is potent and winning games out there in the competitive scene. These are additionally color-coded with position deltas from the previous week. We are also tracking how many weeks they have been in that position starting in September of 2018.

February 13th – 2019
1: Imperial Knights = 2 weeks

2: Astra Militarum = 2 weeks
3: Orks = 2 weeks
4: Drukhari +4
5: T’au Empire -1
6: Ynnari (new)
7: Adeptus Astartes -2
8: Asuryani -2
9: Tyranids (new)
10: Death Guard  -1

(Last Week) February 6th – 2019
1: Imperial Knights +1
2: Astra Militarum +1
3: Orks +1
4: Tau Empire +2
5: Adeptus Astartes +4
6: Asuryani (new)
7: Necrons (new)
8: Drukhari -3
9: Death Guard +1
10: Adeptus Mechanicus (new)



OK, lets hear from you generals in the comments.

Data brought to you weekly by our friends at:

Best Coast Pairings

The Best Coast Pairings Tournament Organizer is the free app that makes it easy for anyone to set up, run and manage an event of any size with tools like online registration, pairings, list collection and remote scoring. Players can use the BCP Player App for iOS or Android to quickly look at pairings, lists, and tournament results from any event they attend, and with a subscription players can see details, and lists, from any event around the world and earn credit toward exclusive discounts for tickets and merchandise. Find and compete like never before- download the BCP Tournament Organizer or the BCP Player App from today!



Author: Adam Harrison
  • Deathwatch Veterans: Post Chapter Approved & Beta Bolters

    Warhammer 40K