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Fantasy Flight Games Delays New Releases Through April 2020

3 Minute Read
Mar 31 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is pushing FFG to postpone new releases through the end of April 2020.

Well that unfortunate but not unexpected. Last week we reported that Asmodee USA, Fantasy Flight Games’ parent company, was suspending new releases until May 1, 2020. There was some speculation that FFG would follow suit. Now that has been confirmed by FFG.

via FFG

Bringing the world’s best tabletop games to you, our fans, is extremely important for Fantasy Flight Games, and nothing brings us more joy than to see all of you tearing into the latest game on release day. However, our single most important goal is the safety and well-being of our employees, retailers, and fans. Due to the ongoing spread of COVID-19, shelter-in-place orders, and the closure of non-essential businesses in many states, we have made the difficult decision to postpone all new releases in the United States, effective immediately through the end of April 2020.

This will have a cascading effect, moving all announced products back at least one month. We are currently reevaluating our release schedule, and we’ll be posting updates and adjusting the Upcoming page as we know more.

As we all practice social distancing, we understand that tabletop games can be an essential part of that experience. However, if we continued with new releases through this tumultuous time, we would be doing a grave disservice to our retailers, many of whom have closed their doors for the duration of this pandemic, as well as our fans who may be unable to receive newly released products in many parts of the country. These changes are going into effect for the United States. However, due to the nature of this situation, different countries are taking different approaches. In other territories, please talk to your local retailers and distributors to learn about their plans for upcoming FFG product releases.

Although we are pausing the release of new products, we continue to offer a full catalog of existing games that offer hours upon hours of entertainment. We are monitoring the situation as it continues to develop, and while we hope to return to regular releases in the first week of May, we will adjust these plans as necessary to support the financial well-being of our retailers and in accordance with current safety recommendations and protocols. In the meantime, we hope that you’re able to take advantage of these weeks to try some games that may have slipped past you.

From all of us at Fantasy Flight Games, we wish you and your families the very best during this unprecedented time!


Fantasy Flight Games has also updated their release dates for their product pages to coincide with the May release dates:

Under the Ash Mountains was also delayed until May – just couldn’t fit it all in the screencap.

This is a bit of a bummer for fans of these products. But it’s also completely understandable and better than the alternative. May is just going to be a bonkers month for new releases. In some ways, I’m also thankful they are pushing back products as in many states, the FLGS have had to close-up shop as well. Shipping product to a closed store seems kind of bad for everyone involved. By postponing these releases, they ensure the stores will be open and that people can shop at their FLGS and support their local scene.

Delays stink but we’re all in this together and we’ll get through this one together – well, not physically together. You know what I mean!


FFG Live In April

On a happier note, FFG will still be hosting FFG Live in April. It’s a truncated schedule (for obvious reasons) with only 3 shows scheduled.

April 30 can’t get here fast enough. I’m super pumped for all the new Arkham Horror: The Card Game products on the way! New Investigator Packs, a New Mythos Cycle, Barkham Horror (don’t think I’ve forgotten about that one).


Just gotta make it through April…hopefully.

Author: Adam Harrison
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