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Goatboy’s 40K: Meet the Primaris Iron Foot

3 Minute Read
Mar 19 2020
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Goatboy here again and last week I talked about an all foot Iron Hands list and thought – lets throw that out here.

I don’t know how good it might be – but with ITC and other tournament missions this could actually see some play.  It would hold objectives well and with enough firepower pressure it could really knock out a ton of models.  I don’t know about you – but an army with massed 3+/5++ and then a 5+ FNP seems pretty dang good to me.  It also plays a crap ton of Intercessors so while I think the army is good – it feels really marine like.  But enough of that – let’s get it started.

Feet of Medusa

Space Marine Army List – Iron Foot – V1
Battalion – +5CP
Chapter – Iron hands

Iron Father Feirros – 110pts
Captain – Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer – 143pts

Apothecary – Stratagem – Chief Apothecary (-1CP), Warlord – Father of the Future – 50pts
Primaris Ancient – 69pts

Intecessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Thunder Hammer – 196pts
Intecessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Thunder Hammer – 196pts
Intecessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Thunder Hammer – 196pts

Battalion – +5CP
Chapter – Iron Hands

Primaris Lieutenant – 69pts
Primaris Librarian – 98pts


Centurion Assault Squad X 6 – Flamers/Hurricane Bolters – 252pts
Primaris Ancient – 69pts

Intecessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Thunder Hammer – 196pts
Intecessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Thunder Hammer – 196pts
Intecessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Thunder Hammer – 196pts

PTS: 1967 CP: 12CP

Iron Foot Tactics

This is a full Primaris army bar one slam captain (that could be swapped for something else) that is just a giant brick of death designed to move up, hold objectives, and be a pain in the butt to remove.  It still shoots a lot and those two turns of Tactical will allow the bullet hell to rain down.  Plus you can go crazy and throw out some extra relics as needed.  The combo should set up to allow you a ton of bodies to have an opponent try to burn through – and then you respond with waves of bullets.  There are a ton of Reroll’s thru out the list so it should work alright – plus again it is mostly Primaris.  If you wanted to drop the captain and go with a Foot Primaris guy it works out just as well. To me the list just feels like 40k!

Thoughts on just a mass of Marine bodies?  120 wounds seems annoying to break thru.


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