Star Wars Cosplay: ‘Star Wars – The Old Republic’s Darth Maul Strikes Again with Star Wars Fan Film

EA is known for its partnerships with amazing cosplayers for their game releases, and today we’re paying tribute to this elusive Sith Lord with these Darth Maul Cosplays!
There are few cosplayers out there with more skill for capturing the exact likeness of the characters they portray. Maul Cosplay has wowed us for years, playing every strong, dynamic character in the books. Not only does he partner with incredible photographers to show off his work, but he has also partnered with multiple game companies to create official shoots to market their releases.
In addition to his partnered work with EA, Maul Cosplay was part of an epic 17 minute long tribute to the Sith Apprentice- Darth Maul Apprentice. You can check out this amazing project here:
Maul Cosplay
“Some of these costumes have been produced by Defcon Unlimited for promotional purposes (Stuntshows) for the game “Star Wars – The Old Republic” (EA). The photoshooting (poses, characters, set up) happened in 2014 and is based on our own ideas.”-Defcon Unlimited
Darth Maul – Maul Cosplay
Albino Togruta – Maja Felicitas
Albino Togruta 2 – Lissy from Defcon Unlimited
Photographer – eosAndy
Assistent to eosandy – Fotograf-13
“At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge. ”
“Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally. ”
“In a galaxy at war, Savage, there is only one way to get the attention of the Jedi. Slaughter of the innocent, mercilessly and without compromise.”
“I was apprentice to the most powerful being in the galaxy once. I was destined to become… so much more. But I was robbed of that destiny by the Jedi, by Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“I serve my Master and the glorious Sith tradition. We are no less powerful for being hidden. We grow in the darkness. We gain strength from it.’”
“We circle our enemy, the Jedi, and they do not know it. We laugh at what they think of as their power. Fools and liars, the Jedi think they have tapped the strength of the Force. Yet they ignore the dark side. It is their most profound mistake, the deepest foolishness of their order.”
“My hatred kept my spirit intact even though my body was not. As I was lost and became a rabid animal, and such is how you found me, brother. Discarded, forgotten… I have missed soo much. The force feels… out of balance.”
Making Of the Film
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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