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Age of Sigmar: Rules Conundrum – When Do You Get Off An Ironclad?

3 Minute Read
Aug 18 2021
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The Kharadron Overlords pose an interesting rules conundrum. We’re gonna need a bigger FAQ.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar 3.0 has been out in the wild for a bit and we’ve started to see some tournaments and games being played in the wild. This past weekend GW also held the first of their Warhammer US Open Events. Over the course of the event a few rules questions were brought up and for the most part everything was all settled. However, there was one rules conundrum that was brought up that seems to have been overlooked. So we’re shining a big old spotlight on the issue in hopes that GW puts out a clarification on the matter.

The Rules Conundrum

This issue comes courtesy of the Kharadron Overlords and their Ironclad  – or rather their airships in general and how Garrisons work. For simplicity sake, we’re going to use the Arkanaut Ironclad as an example but the basic rule for them is the same for other KO transports. So, let’s take a look at the rules – specifically their Flying Transport rule:

We’ve underlined the important part:

“Units cannot join or leave this model’s garrison if it has made a move or flown high in the same phase (they can join or leave before it does so).”

Alright. Seems simple enough, right? So what’s the catch? The AoS 3.0 Garrison rules:


“A friendly unit in a garrison can leave the garrison at the end of your movement phase.”

But wait – that’s the problem. You can’t get out at the end of the movement phase and also get out before the Ironclad has moved. If the Ironclad can still move, then the movement phase can’t be over. But if moves then the Garrison can’t get out. And if you’re exiting at the end of the phase, then the unit that is disembarking also doesn’t get a move at all.

Okay…so just don’t move the Ironclad, right? Currently, that seems to be the only option for them:


So what’s the problem, exactly? Well, again, the timing on exiting is a little weird. Not moving the Ironclad does seem to be the ‘fix’ but that’s also a pretty big hit to the Kharadron Overlords mobility in general. Not only does the Ironclad have to sit for a turn, the unit exiting also can’t get any movement other than the disembarking. Compared to 2.0, that seems like a huge nerf and I don’t think that it’s working as intended.

Or maybe it is and Kharadon Overlords are just supposed to sit tight on their airships and ride the game out.

In anycase, the timing could use some clarification. Plus a confirmation for if this is working as intended or not would be helpful. If it IS working as intended, the KO should probably get some points back on their transports because this really is a huge nerf to their mobility.


Kharadron Overlords are the masters of the skies…it’s the ‘landing’ that’s the tricky part.


Author: Adam Harrison
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