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Games Workshop Pre-Orders: ‘Pricing & Links’ Dragon Weekend

8 Minute Read
Nov 27 2021

The Dragons have arrived for Pre-order from Games Workshop.

via Games Workshop

Book of the Outcast $47


As low as life may seem in the clutches of Necromunda’s gangs, there’s always a lower rung to which unfortunate souls can fall. These outcasts, hated and spurned by the ‘respectable’ denizens of the underhive, gather together to form gangs of their own – be it for greed, ambition, or simply safety.

Expand your games of Necromunda with a wealth of new rules to add even more variety, scope, and excitement to your battles in the underhive. With this book you can explore the dark expanse of the hive city’s badzones, striking out to found settlements and expand your territory in Outlands campaigns, as well as enlisting the aid of brand new Dramatis Personae to join or even lead your Underhive Outcasts gang.

Inside this 136-page book you’ll find:

– Outcasts of Necromunda: Extensive background information on outcasts gangs, covering aspects such as the badzones, the scum that comprise an Underhive Outcasts gang, and why such maligned members of the underhive would be inclined to sign up
– Assembling the Outcasts: Includes all the rules you need to know in order to field an outcasts gang in skirmish and narrative games of Necromunda, including gang composition, weapons and wargear, and additional rules for creating your own charismatic Leader with a personality all their own
– Hangers-On and Brutes: Includes rules for hiring Hangers-on and Brutes, for both skirmish and narratives games
– Outlander Terrain: All the terrain rules needed to establish a stronghold for Necromunda gangs, usable with the included Outlander Campaign or any game of Necromunda, as well as rules for fighting across Underhive Markets, Walls and Gates, Watchtowers, and Gunk Tanks
– Wyrd Powers: Light up the underhive with rules for Wyrd Powers and Force Weapons that can be used by any gang that includes a Non-sanctioned or Sanctioned Psyker, including seven Wyrd Power disciplines: Biomancy, Chronomancy, Divination, Pyromancy, Technomancy, Telepathy, and Telekinesis
– Outlander Campaigns: Embark on a narrative campaign to build and grow a settlement while defending and denying resources from your rivals, and assume the role of an Arbitrator keeping the campaign on an even keel while players work through three real-time phases training recruits, gathering resources, and recovering from the wear and tear of underhive combat
– Outlander Scenarios: Rules for six new outcasts-themed scenarios – Settlement Raid, Market Mayhem, Stealth Attack, Gunk Tank, Mining Expedition and The Big Score – each including rules for playing the battle, rewards gained for victory, experience, reputation, and special rules for these scenarios
– Showcase: A full-colour section spotlighting miniatures, battle scenes, and alternative outcasts colour schemes
– Outcasts Gang Tactics: Eighteen new Gang Tactics for use in games, plus rules and background for Lady Credo, Rebel Lord – a unique Rebel Lord who can be chosen as an Underhive Outcasts Leader at gang creation
– Trading Post: Weapons, armour, and equipment available to Underhive Outcasts gangs, who must rely on whatever they can find and barter for without the backing of the major Houses
– A Weapon Reference Chart containing a comprehensive weapons reference chart for all weapons and wargear available on the Trading Post for outcasts gangs
– Dramatis Personae: Includes rules for hiring and using three brand-new Dramatis Personae in your games of Necromunda

Underhive Outcasts Gang $42



The outcasts gangs of Necromunda are made up of the dregs of underhive society. These individuals have freed themselves from the constraints of societal hierarchy in order to walk a dangerous and often short-lived path of risk and reward.

Scum and outcasts are everywhere in hive life, often hired by more established gangs looking for cheap bodies or arranged into fully fledged Underhive Outcasts gangs that clash with legendary Houses of Necromunda for territory, scraps of loot, and more. This box lets you assemble an Underhive Outcasts gang for use in games of Necromunda. It contains 12 plastic miniatures with a wide range of assembly choices, including various choices of heads and weapons.

The kit is comprised of 96 plastic components, with which you can assemble 12 Hive Scum, and is supplied with 12 Citadel 25mm Necromunda round bases.

Zone Mortalis Underhive Market $50



Even in the deadly Zone Mortalis, markets pop up in the crossfire as merchants and scroungers attempt to make a quick sale. Full of rare goods, counterfeit wares, and desirable weapons, these maze-like markets are frequently the sites of firefights between gangs, and the Palanite Enforcers are no stranger to the flimsy cover of a stall’s awning.

This kit allows you to build your own Underhive Markets from a host of terrain pieces and accessories, such as market stalls, gun racks, storage caskets, and the assorted detritus that litters the bazaars of the underhive.

This kit comprises of 45 plastic components, with which you can assemble the following Underhive Market terrain pieces:

– 2x large market stalls
– 2x small market stalls
– 2x horologium
– 2x gun racks
– 2x large storage caskets
– 2x power units
– 4x plasma flasks
– 2x lockboxes
– 2x buckets
– 4x signs
– 6x mugs
– 2x Mung vases
– 2x coin piles


Outcasts Gang Tactics Cards $15



Expand your games of Necromunda with these 26 cards. Representing the myriad tricks and schemes that can be used to gain an advantage in the underhive, these cards offer a great way to reference your gang’s tactical options mid-game. As well as 18 gang-specific Tactics cards that perfectly encapsulate the way Underhive Outcasts gangs fight, there are also 8 blank Fighter cards for you to keep track of your gang.

This box contains 26 100mm x 75mm cards for use in games of Necromunda:
– 18x Outcast gang-specific Tactics cards
– 8x Blank Fighter cards

Stormcast Eternals Krondys: Son of Dracothian $150


Long ago, before Sigmar was plucked from the heavens by the great drake Dracothion, the powerful Draconith empire was brought low at the hands of Kragnos, whose divine rampage smashed city after city until only a handful of Draconith remained. In a desperate gambit to defeat what they could not kill, the princes Krondys and Karazai enlisted the aid of the enigmatic Lord Kroak to seal Kragnos beneath a mountain, where he stayed until the Necroquake sundered his prison. With the God of Earthquakes returned, the Draconith princes have sworn the Pact Draconis with Sigmar and lead a new generation to war against the enemies of Order.

As an ancient and powerful being steeped in celestial magic, Krondys is a potent mystical force on the battlefield capable of unleashing debilitating storms on command. His magical might is matched by his prowess in melee, able to sweep entire regiments from the battlefield with a casual flick of his massive wrist, while foes are burned to ash by blazing tempests of draconic fire.

This multipart plastic kit is comprised of 55 pieces with which you can assemble one Krondys, Son of Dracothion, with the option to instead build his fellow Draconith prince Karazai the Scarred. The kit includes 1x Citadel 160mm Round Base.



Stormcast Eternals Stormdrake Guard $110


With the Pact Draconis sworn between Sigmar and the drake-lords Krondys and Karazai, the Draconith set forth to fight back against a resurgent Kragnos and reclaim their ancestral lands. Some choose to bear heroic Stormcast Eternals into battle, evaluating chosen Stormcasts for weeks on end before forming a symbiotic pact between dragon and rider. Borne on powerful wings, these Stormdrake Guard swoop down on any foes unfortunate enough to get in their way, destroying hordes of lesser beings with blade, flame, and claw.

Smash through enemy lines with the might of Sigmar’s Draconith allies, bearing elite warriors of the Extremis chamber. These fast and deadly Monster units are just as capable of roasting their foes with wyrmflame as they are skewering them on the ends of lances and swords, and pose a mortal threat to enemy champions who think themselves safe behind their lines. Their ancient Draconith heritage also lends them an innate resistance to magic, frustrating the efforts of wizards who hope to twist arcane power against such noble creatures.

This multipart plastic kit consists of 105 pieces and builds two Stormdrake Guard in several different poses, each able to equip either a drakerider’s lance or warblade. It also provides options to construct one as a Knight-Draconis, a powerful Hero capable of supporting nearby Stormdrake Guard. This kit comes supplied with two 105mm Citadel Oval bases and two flying stands.





DungeonBowl $160

Dungeon Bowl casts you as the coach of a team of players from one of the eight Colleges of Magic. As you hunt the game ball in a dastardly dungeon, you’ll avoid traps, jump through portals, and rummage through chests to find treasure beyond your imagination – all in the name of glory, pride, and scoring a single magnificent touchdown.

You decide the line-up, and you decide the tactics, but just remember – it’s not the winning that matters most, but the amount of carnage that you cause along the way!

Dungeon Bowl is the game of Subterranean Blood Bowl mayhem, played between two players. In this box, the College of Fire and the College of Shadows face off against each other in a dungeon with a customisable layout, packed with portals to jump through and chests to ransack. Will you be able to score a touchdown, or will you be scuppered by traps and opponents you encounter along the way?

This box comes with everything you need to get started in your quest to find the ball and score that single, scintillating touchdown.

Inside this box, you’ll find the following miniatures:

14 College of Fire miniatures in orange plastic, featuring
– 1x Ogre Blocker
– 1x Ogre Runt Punter
– 6x Gnoblars
– 1x Dwarf Runner
– 1x Dwarf Blitzer
– 3x Dwarf Blocker Lineman
– 1x Troll Slayer

12 College of Shadows miniatures in purple plastic, featuring
– 3x Skaven Clanrat Lineman
– 1x Skaven Blitzer
– 1x Skaven Thrower
– 1x Gutter Runner
– 3x Dark Elf Lineman
– 1x Dark Elf Blitzer
– 1x Dark Elf Runner
– 1x Witch Elf

– Dungeon Bowl furnishings comprising of 6x Chests, 6x Portals, and 1x Spiked Ball

In addition, you’ll get:
– A 104-page Rulebook stuffed with characterful Dungeon Bowl artwork, and all the rules you need to play the game, and rules covering exhibition and league games
– 2x quick reference cheat sheets for easy rules checking
– 2x Dungeon Bowl Dugouts for players to rest and recuperate in
– 6x double-sided Token Boards to track various elements of the games on
– 16x gorgeous and grim Dungeon Tiles you’ll use to arrange your dungeon
– 36x Dungeon Bowl Door Tokens to represent doors
– 14x dice for use in games of Dungeon Bowl
– 3x plastic templates for measuring range, direction, and ricochet

The rulebook included in this box features full team rosters – including featured races and team honours – for each of the eight Colleges of Magic:
The College of Fire
The College of Shadow
The College of Metal
The College of Light
The College of Death
The College of Life
The College of Beasts
The College of Heavens

Goblin Team Pitch & Dugouts $47

Goblin Team Dice $18

Goblin Team Card Pack $27



Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: The Next Army We Need Is Primaris Astra Militarum