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Age of Sigmar: New Year, New Army – 3 Great Starter Forces

3 Minute Read
Jan 9 2022

2022 is going to be an excellent year for new armies.

Another year has been and gone, full of setbacks, successes, and a ton of exciting new releases. We saw a brand new edition, new incarnations of classic models, and the return of the Dragons to the Realms. With 2022 starting off with a bang thanks to the release of a new battlebox showcasing some long-overdue updates, it’s high time to think about starting a new army to charge into the new year. There are so many options to choose from that it might be hard to narrow down, so here’s a primer for three factions that I think will provide easy starts in the new year.


The flaming naked duardin are coming back with a vengeance in 2022, and there’s never been a better time to start your own force of them. Aside from the brand new hero in the new box, the Fyreslayers are a relatively small and easy army to construct, and it’s possible to get almost a fully battlefield-ready army with just a pair of Start Collecting boxes and a few Hearthguard. If your conversion skills are good, you can stretch that out even further, and with the addition of one of two heroes (like my personal favorite beatstick, the Grimwrath Berserker), you’ll be ready to defend the lodges of the Realms in no time.

Flesh Eater Courts

Another solid pick that’s easy to get off the ground, the Flesh Eater courts are also a relatively easy army to paint, so long as you like painting dead flesh. Their Start Collecting box gets you into the fray fast with a leader, a monster (sometimes the same), and two potential Battleline choices. Plus, you can convert some of the pieces you don’t need into Courtiers to buff and summon your army. Just be aware you’ll need to pick up several more Ghoul boxes for summoning, but for a quick start-up that will pay dividends, the ghouly boys are a great start.

Sons of Behemat

While they don’t have a Start Collecting set, to be honest a single Mega-Gargant or a box of Mancrushers could be classified as such. While this is probably the most expensive start-up on this list, it is the least model-heavy and will allow you to focus on painting each of your massive warriors to an excellent standard. You can focus all your artistic gumption into a few giants rather than hordes of lesser infantry, and every single one will be worth its weight. This is definitely an excellent starter for a year of gaming, but don’t expect to win many friends with this terrifying force.

What army will you start this year?


Author: Clint Lienau
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