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Inuyasha’s Demon Half-Brother Comes To Life in this Sesshomaru Cosplay

3 Minute Read
May 10 2023
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We aren’t fools and have no time to waste…  so let’s dive right into this amazing Sesshomaru cosplay from the anime Inuyasha by Cole W!

I was taking a trip through the Facebook forums the other day, ogling the myriad of amazing cosplay images out on the interwebs… When this GORGEOUS depiction of the fierce and ferocious Sesshomaru came across my feed. This ethereal depiction is as gorgeous as a sci-fi or fantasy painting by Larry Elmore from the 1980s, and it stopped me in my tracks. Sesshomaru is an antagonistic-turned-anti-hero from the anime/manga Inuyasha.

Originally created by artist Rumiko Takahashi, Inuyasha follows the eponymous half-demon Inuyasha and his human frienemy-slash-love-interest, Kagome as they try to collect all of the slivers of the Shikon Jewel before it makes too many demons too powerful. Sesshomaru is Inuyasha’s older half-brother and is a fully-blooded demon. And while he’s not a good guy, he’s not really a bad buy either. In fact, he’s probably the most popular character in the entire series.

This Sesshomaru cosplay construction by Cole W. of Gilded Stitch pops right off the page, and every image from the photo set below is unique, well-posed, beautifully lit, and an entire MOOD. Check out this art, and consider supporting their work!

“I seek nothing more than to battle the most powerful beings alive, which excludes the lowly likes of you.”

– Sesshomaru –



“Can It be that I’m afraid, or is it merely I know not my own limit?”

– Sesshomaru –

“To think that he made me, Sesshomaru, tremble with fear for even a moment. Inuyasha, in that instant.”

– Sesshomaru –



“Be not a fool; I have no such time to waste.”

– Sesshomaru –


“Draw your sword Inuyasha. Or will you surrender it now without a need for a battle?”


– Sesshomaru –


“All that for a memory and a dead mortal girl. If I’ve known that this is all it took to make you fight, I would have killed her sooner.”

– Sesshomaru –


~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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