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‘Baldur’s Gate 3’s Latest Hotfix Will Stop You From Swindling Merchants

2 Minute Read
Mar 28 2024

Before Larian Studios moves on to their next project, there’s a bit more work left for Baldur’s Gate 3, including stopping your swindling.

Larian Studios released a new Hotfix for Baldur’s Gate 3 that takes care of some annoying bugs that have crashed more than a few different playthroughs. But, of more particular note, they have stopped the “container-based antics” of the player base, resulting in merchants who can expect a much better deal on their end.

To Larian’s credit, developers also fixed a bug that allowed merchants to inadvertently swindle the player as well, so what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. And it all ends up in honkery, anyway.

Baldur’s Gate 3 – Hotfix 23, “No More Free Lunches!”

As is often the case with these patch notes, the team at Larian is having fun detailing some of the work they’ve put in. In the leadup to the notes themselves, they address the issue—fix a simple, but powerful exploit—in an almost in-character fashion:

Coming in hot for all platforms, this hotfix aims to continue improving your Baldur’s Gate 3 experience, and addresses several crashes and bugs. The tradespeople of Baldur’s Gate have also had a word with our people, and we both agree that container-based antics, while amusing, are damaging the economy. So in this update we’ve fixed several bugs with buying and selling. No more free lunches!

If you weren’t aware, there was an exploit where players would sell the merchant something like an empty backpack or pouch, and then load multiples of the same item (like health potions or alchemy ingredients or whatever) into the backpack, and pay the price for a single item, instead of for the thirty health potions or whatever.

This exploit, as you might imagined, worked the other way as well, so you could barter for goods with your health potions and buy them all back for the price of one. Absolutely damaging to Baldur’s Gate 3’s economy, such as it is.


However, those days are gone. Along with several annoying issues, including a bug that would have repeating lines and options not show up correctly, or causing the cops, when called on you, to spawn in and mill around, doing nothing. And they say art doesn’t imitate life. Although now the Flaming Fist will actually investigate a crime scene, so who can say?

For a full list of patch notes, click here. Otherwise, it’s time to go gather your party before venturing forth.

Of course, all this patch means is that the developers have probably enabled all NEW ways of swindling merchants. So get out there, Rogues!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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