‘Warhammer: The Old World’- Five Books We’d Like To See After Wood Elves

Let’s take a look at some options for Warhammer: The Old World’s mystery book. Here’s what we think it might be.
The other week GW gave us a roadmap for the next few months of Old World. There is nothing super surprising in what it showed off. At least at first glance. It confirmed that High Elves are coming next. After them we have Beastmen and then Wood Elves. Our best guess is that all nine core armies will get released by around late August-early September. The big question is what comes after that. Now GW did tease that something is indeed coming after Wood Elves. We don’t know what it is and if it will be an Arcane Journal or something else. It could be Grand Cathay, but that’s a big unknown. So lets take a look at a few books we would like to see that are not just a Grand Cathay release. We’ve love to see any or all of these.
5. The General’s Compendium
We’d love to see a book like the 6th Edition General’s Compendium or the old Annuals. This isn’t something that focuses on any of the armies in the game directly, but one that expands it as a whole. It could include new missions, more campaign support and rules for things like skirmishers and sieges. A book like this can really expand the game and give you a lot more options. It’s great for more casual players and hobbyists but can still have support for hardcore events. It’s also a good place to add in any major errata or balance updates. Even some designer commentary would be great.
4. Dogs Of War
Look we all know we want this. Mercenaries are a part of the game, and GW has slowly been adding more into it. The new Empire AJ even has a commander made for using them. We also know the early game was supposed to focus on the Border Princes, an area known for mercenaries. The latest map update also added details to Tilea and Estalia, both known for their Dogs of War. So yeah, I think this would be a super cool book and a great way to give something to all the existing armies. Add in several new units, like the AJs already do. Then just put in some rules for playing an all Merc list and bam. Instant hit.
3. Forces of Lustria
OK, but what if you want more than just a little expsansion but something big and splashy! Well we’d like to see something like a Lustria book. It wouldn’t even be the first one they’ve done. This book could cover the western part of The World of Legend. I’d call it Lustria if for no other reason than “Warhammer: The Old World : The New World” is a bit clunky! With this book you could add in four factions with ease.
Skaven, Lizardmen and Dark Elfs would all feature in this book as they fight over the west. In addition Vampire Counts would get reimaged as the Pirates of the Vampire Coast. This would bring back the old faction with a new twist and add something new to the game. This single book would be a huge step forward, and bring in over half of the Legends armies.
2. Armies of The East
Lustria not thing your thing? Well how about a book focusing on the East of the Old World? This book would bring back Ogre Kingdoms and Chaos Dwarfs. It would also add in the new, and already teased, faction of Grand Cathay. All these armies are geographically tied together and make sense to feature in the same book. If you wanted a fourth army, Kingdom of Ind or Nippon could show up, but three is probably enough and gives a mix of old and new.
1. Forces of the Wastes
Another one we’d love is a book that focuses on the north of the Old World. At base, this would bring Chaos Daemons into the game and add in Kislev. Kislev was teased way back when, and this would be an easy way to get them in. I do think this is a book that should come a bit later however as its a clear option for expanding into the Great War Against Chaos with two brand new armies and some Armies of Infamy and new units for others.
Let us know what books you’d like to see next, down in the comments!