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Warhammer 40K BREAKING: GW Unveils the Next Three Codexes

3 Minute Read
Aug 31 2022
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GW has been very busy at the NOVA open. And the next 3 codexes are…

We’ve all been waiting a long time for this one. codex Chaos Deamons is here and that leaves a small handful of remaining books to be done. But GW has some additional curveballs in the form of all new armies headed our way.

Well, technically we have had teases of all of these in the past few months. But the important thing is now we have a timeframe, and their release order. Here’s what GW put out:

Here’s the full quote:

“The Kin are on their way sooner than you might expect. The Leagues of Votann army set will be released shortly after Codex: Chaos Daemons – which is up for pre-order right now. They will be followed by their Codex a little after that, and then the rest of the Kin forces. The Astra Militarum rally their ranks in Winter, before Angron and the World Eaters descend.”

OK. lets’ take these in turn.

Leagues of Votann

We have known these are coming for some time, and the non-stop drip,drip, drip of news out of Warhammer Community was kind of a giveaway. These are right around the corner – WOW! So we wont have long to wait. And of course in GW fashion, there is a launch army box to accompany them. It WILL sell out instantly, so if you want one, don’t dither.

Astra Militarum

We have had multiple official unit reveals and a LOT of rules rumors doing the rounds for months surrounding Astra Militarum. We will find out all the details when they get closer. Remember though that Winter is late December through March, so we are realistically looking at a 2023 Q1 release for this one. The interesting point is GW’s choice to have the Astra Militarum show up just after the new year to kick off 2023. –  GW traditionally uses that spot for a new army to pump up sales into the new year – like we saw with Thousand Sons, Custodes, and Sororitas. The other army will have to wait till the end of Q1 in the Feb-March timeframe.  I can’t wait for some hopefully new AM tanks!


World Eaters

We are all excited about the 3rd Cult CSM Legion to get a codex. I guess Emperor’s Children will have to wait for 11th Edition. GW has already said they are coming and we’ve seen the new Berzerkers. Lovely. The sons of Angron will showing up pretty much last in February-March – rounding out 9th Edition if the rumors are true.  I’m sure Khorne will bless his legion with a bunch of new bloodyminded units besides what we have already seen.  Skulls for the Skull Throne indeed!

Happy 2023… oh and KILL KILL KILL!

How excited are you for these, and which do you want the most?

Author: Larry Vela
  • Warhammer 40K: Leagues of Votann Confirmed For September